Recruiting people to your local branch is an import way to build our movement. We need to ask enough information to stay in touch, but not so much we put people off signing up.

  • Emails are essential, but person-to-person phone calls are still the best way to shift people to take more action
  • Research shows asking more than four questions significantly reduces sign-ups

Once you’ve established a relationship, you can provide opt-in links to collect more information.

Collect seperate to last name.

Collect seperate to first name.

Without an email, it isn’t worth signing the individual up.

Talking to someone one-on-one is still the best way to recruit and shift someone to action.

Postcodes are better than addresses:

  • Shorter than addresses
  • More private than home addresses
  • Easier to sort than a place name which might have different spellings
  • Postcodes don’t need to be re-editted to fix spelling mistakes
  • Our database searches by post-code

Useful information you can record

You can collect additional information without reducing sign-ups, provided you record the information rather than ask for it. This is usually done in an organiser space on a paper sign-up form or in a hidden field on a digital form.

It is useful knowing what event someone signed up at so you can follow up or identify active members.

i.e. XR Tauranga Induction Meeting

Recording the person who ran the event helps identify potential activists and organisers.

Collecting the event date helps with tracking down sign up forms and specific individuals who attended.

i.e. Tauranga Community Centre