• Sharing media stories is imporant. Sharing media coverage about Extinction Rebellion shows we are making waves and provides content for our website.
  • Fair use and copyright. It is important when sharing journalists stories that we don’t breach copyright. If you receive a complaint about us sharing a story, please contact us.
  • Encouraging views on the original article. The media watch how many people read their articles online. This helps editors decide what stories to cover. It is therefore important we send people to the original stories.
  • Ensuring local stories show up on local story pages by tagging the local group
  • Give a short summary of the original article

a. Login to wordpress

b. Click “+ new” on the administration menu

c. Click “Post” on the “+ new” drop down menu

The key text is usually the “lead”. The lead is the first, and sometimes second, sentence. It should answer “Who, What, Where, Why, When and How”.

a. Introduce who is saying the key text (i.e. the media company).

b. Include quotation marks around any text copied from the original story.

c. Rewrite the text so it makes sense.

d. Include context where required.


Queenstown Lakes District Council has launched public consultation on its draft climate action plan 2019-22. Paul Taylor looks at how the district is taking its first steps towards reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions from more than 663,000 tonnes per year to zero.


The Otago Daily Times says “Queenstown Lakes District Council has launched public consultation on its draft climate action plan 2019-22.

The district is taking its first steps towards reducing its net greenhouse gas emissions from more than 663,000 tonnes per year to zero,” the paper says.

The announcement follows the council agreeing to Extinction Rebellion Queenstown Lakes call for a climate emergency declaration.

a. Copy and paste the url of the original media story

b. Write “Read more” at the end of your text in the content field.

c. Include the original media story link in the “Read more” text.

Use the following format:


Click “Opinion” if the news story is also an opinion peice.

Use the format “Extinction Rebellion Local Group Name” for local groups, i.e. “Extinction Rebellion Dunedin”. This will ensure a local story shows up on a local groups website page.

On some websites you may need to do a screen capture and edit it down to size.