ActionNetwork can be bewildering at first. Luckily, it’s a lot easier than it looks. Even better, ActionNetwork provides extensive support to users.

They have an extensive knowledge base, including a great getting started guide and video tutorials, as well as online trainings.

ActionNetwork also has a great support team. Please don’t contact them unless you’ve first checked the knowledgebase.

If you have questions about how XR uses ActionNetwork, contact our ActionNetwork coordinator.


The knowledge base covers every topic imaginable.

Video tutorials

Two useful video tutorials are Navigating ActionNetwork (2:46) and Sending emails (14:36).

Online trainings

Online trainings are run every month which you can RSVP to. They include:

  • 101: Data
  • 102: Actions
  • 103: Emails

If you can’t wait, you can watch recorded trainings:

