Linking a local facebook group to the national facebook page is a great way to promote the local group and help people find it.

This can only be done by someone who is an administrator of the national facebook page.

  1. Visit the local facebook group
  2. Join the group
  3. Notify the group administrator that you are a national administrator of the national XR facebook page
  4. Explain that you want to link their facebook group to the national facebook page to promote their group nationally
  5. Once you have been added as an administator, visit the national facebook page
  6. On the left-hand menu under the page’s profile image, click the “Group” tab
  7. Click the “Link Your Group” button
  8. Click “Link Group” next to the local facebook group

If the local group doesn’t show up it means the national facebook group is a member of the local group.

  1. Visit the local facebook group
  2. On the left-hand menu under the group’s profile image, click “Members”
  3. Scroll down until you “Pages” and “Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand”
  4. Click the “…” button the right of “Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand” and click “Remove Page”

Repeat step 6, 7, 8 from the steps above.

If this doesn’t work, please contact kiaora [AT]