When you create a new facebook group, the website address (url) has a number. i.e. https://www.facebook.com/groups/369767040390257/ . It’s easy to change to https://www.facebook.com/groups/xr.yourgroupname!

  1. Visit your Extinction Rebellion facebook group.

2. Check if you have a number facebook address (url)

3. Click “… More” below your facebook group cover photo

4. In the drop down menu, click “Edit group settings”

5. On the Group Settings page, scroll down until you find “Customize address”.

6. Click “Customize Address”

7. Enter your group’s name as “xr.yourgroupsname”

  • For exmaple i.e. “xr.dunedin”.
  • We recommend using “xr.yourgroupname” so each group has a similar address (url)
  • We recommend using the common (usually english name) for your area as this is what most people will remember.

8. Click “Customize Address”

9. Do a little dance. It’s all done!