Role title  
Reports to

1. Purpose

  • To support good communication between local groups, national working groups, the wider organisation and community.

2. Common tasks

  • Record the minutes of National Coordination Working Group meetings and distribute to all working group members
  • Receive, open and distribute all incoming mail and emails
  • Receive updates and notices and keep members informed by notification and/or filing appropriately; in updating notice boards etc in a timely manner
  • Change role holders details
  • Delegate roles

3. Skills and competencies

  • Good administration skills
  • Computer and online skills
  • Organised and attentive to detail
  • Work to deadlines
  • Be supportive

4. Relationships

Role Relationship
National Faciliator
National Coordination Working Group

5. Document

Approved by N/A
Date approved N/A
Review on N/A