Linking a local facebook group to the national facebook page is a great way to promote the local group and help people find it.
This can only be done by someone who is an administrator of the national facebook page.
- Visit the local facebook group
- Join the group
- Notify the group administrator that you are a national administrator of the national XR facebook page
- Explain that you want to link their facebook group to the national facebook page to promote their group nationally
- Once you have been added as an administator, visit the national facebook page
- On the left-hand menu under the page’s profile image, click the “Group” tab
- Click the “Link Your Group” button
- Click “Link Group” next to the local facebook group
If the local group doesn’t show up it means the national facebook group is a member of the local group.
- Visit the local facebook group
- On the left-hand menu under the group’s profile image, click “Members”
- Scroll down until you “Pages” and “Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand”
- Click the “…” button the right of “Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand” and click “Remove Page”
Repeat step 6, 7, 8 from the steps above.
If this doesn’t work, please contact kiaora [AT]