Home > Teams > National Council > National Coordination > Communications
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- N/A
Mandate? | To coordinate national communications. |
Domains? | National Communication Plan |
Accountabilities? |
Team type |
Working Group |
communications@extinctionrebellion.nz | |
Website | https://extinctionrebellion.nz/team/communications |
Mattermost | Comms – General |
Membership | Open |
Meetings | Fourth Monday of the month from 8pm – 9:30 on the national zoom account. |
Core roles
Role | Name | Status | Mattermost | Cellphone | |
National Communications Facilitator | Vacant | Vacant | comms.facilitator@extinctionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant |
National Communications Secretary | Vacant | Vacant | comms.secretary@extinctionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant |
National Communications Coordinator | Simon Oosterman – temp only | Vacant | comms@extinctionrebellion.nz | @simon-waitakere-nz | 027 526 8704 |
Role | Name | Status | Mattermost | Cellphone | ||
National Communications Admin | Ann Goodwin | Until 2020-08-01 | content.admin@extinctionrebellion.nz | @anng-huruni | 021 0256 0404 | |
National Social Media Engagement Coordinator | Vacant | Vacant | engagement@extintionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant | |
National Twitter Coordinator | ? | ? | twitter@extintionrebellion.nz | ? | ? | |
National Instagram Coordinator | Charles Smart | ? | TBC? | @charles-akl | N/A | |
National Instagram Coordinator | Rachael Andrews | ? | TBC? | @rachaelmanawatu | N/A | |
National Media Spokesperson | Vacant | Vacant | spokesperson@extinctionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant | |
National Newsletter Editor | Huw Morgan- (temp only) | Vacant | newsletter@extinctionrebellion.nz | @huw-tamakimakaurau | 020 4135 3522 | |
National Bulletin Editor | Simon Oosterman – temp only | Vacant | bulletin@extinctionrebellion.nz | @simon-waitakere-nz | 027 526 8704 | |
National Helpdesk Coordinator | Huw Morgan | Until 2020-08-01 | helpdesk@extinctionrebellion.nz | @huw-tamakimakaurau | 020 4135 3522 | |
National Action Network Coordinator | Simon Oosterman – temp only | Vacant | actionnetwork@extinctionrebellion.nz | @simon-waitakere-nz | 027 526 8704 | |
National Mattermost Administrator | Vacant | Vacant | mattermost@extinctionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant | |
National Design Coordinator | Vacant | Vacant | art@extinctionrebellion.nz | Vacant | Vacant | |
National Content Coordinator | Charles | Until 2020-08-01 | content@extinctionrebellion.nz | @charles-akl | N/A | |
Technical | National Technical Coordinator | TBC? | TBC? | technical@extinctionrebellion.nz | TBC? | TBC? |
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Coming soon.
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