A how-to book urges people to shake up climate apathy, even if it means getting arrested.

Douglas Adams’ calm advice about the end of life on Earth – “Don’t panic!” – says much about where we are now with climate change. This, the most analysed disaster-in-progress we have confronted as a species, has stupefied governments, capitalism and technologists. Is it time for another approach?

Certainly that is the reasoning behind Extinction Rebellion (XR), a self-proclaimed grass-roots organisation that aims to shake up climate apathy with old-fashioned protests and sit-ins…


Source:  https://www.noted.co.nz/culture/culture-books/this-is-not-a-drill-why-extinction-rebellion-wants-you-to-panic  21 August 2019

By Tony Murrow, Photo Getty Images

This article was first published in the July 20, 2019 issue of the New Zealand Listener.