Documents are made available below as Google docs. If you want to download them to your computer you can use File/Download to obtain the document in a variety of formats. If you have a problem accessing a document in Google docs then contact me at and we’ll work something out.
Closing date for submissions
On 24 Feb the closing date for submissions was extended to 28 March.
Resources for CCC submission-writers
A list of useful links – CCC full doc, exec summary, submission website report summaries & reviews of the report. This is now an editable, shareable googledoc. You are warmly invited to add to it and share it.
Rosemary Neave’s things to note in submissions
As a googledoc. Feel free to share, add things to the google doc etc.
Marilyn’s List of articles
That may be of use to those making submissions on the draft Climate Change Commission Report. As a googledoc.
Public Service Association on the CCC report
PSA, one of Aotearoa’s biggest unions, says that social justice is integral to climate justice.
Cross-pollinations – notes from the hui as googledoc
At the hui we decided –
- to aim to do our submissions by 28 Feb, and share them with one another in this newsletter and/or on XRŌ webpage
- to re-convene in 2 weeks (maybe Friday 6 March, 7pm at WEA? To be confirmed)
- To re-convene again mid June after the CCC report goes to government
What the CCC’s submission questions look like
Here is the CCC’s online form copy & pasted into a googledoc – thanks to Jacqueline Newbound of Project Lyttelton and Christchurch.
Here’s and 8 slide PowerPoint Presentation of the information the CCC has given on the 6 big issues. And as a PDF.
Submission Template from Pacific Climate Warriors and others
A detailed submission template has been developed by Pacific Climate Warriors, SS4C, 350 Aotearoa, Generation Zero, Forest & Bird Youth, Oxfam, Zero Waste Network Aotearoa, The Rubbish Trip, Para Kore and Coal Action Network, with a disability responsive climate change position contributed by SustainedAbility.
Graham Townsend’s submissions
Graham’s points on the severity of the current crisis are excellently referenced, from years of following the climate science.
Version 1 as a googledoc. Then his experience with trying to submit a second submission:
“I have completed my [second] submission, and encountered a couple of problems.
- If you submit a document, that’s it – you can’t then add any further answers to the six themes or the 24 questions. So I tried to reformat my submission in terms of the 6 themes; but….
- If you enter answers to the themes or questions, you can’t (or I couldn’t) copy and paste without losing formatting such as subscripts, superscripts, hyperlinks, table formatting etc.
So after chewing my keyboard in frustration, I ended up submitting my one document.”
Dave Evans’s submission
A one big thing and 6 big issues submission as bullet points. Take what you want from it, but please personalise it.
Greenpeace’s online submission form
You can make a submission to the CCC through Greenpeace’s website. However make sure to personalise your submission so that it is counted as a separate one
ECO’s short submission
(via Paul B) – as a googledoc. Send us your submission and we’ll share it round.
Green Party information on submissions
Not sure how to go about? Rosemary Neave Aoraki Greens Convenor invites you to have a go… Information on a Zoom submission writing event too. Anyone welcome, do not have to be Green members. The event is going to focus on actually putting pen to paper, or rather fingers to typewriter, after very short introduction. Hoping that questions people have will be answered by others on the call. The Green party also has a form for making a submission.
Feeling overwhelmed by the detail in the CCC report?
- Just answer CCC’s most important question: are CCC’s targets and timeframe OK?
XRO think these targets are way too low and way too slow to effectively tackle the climate and ecosystem crisis. Let’s give CCC and government the mandate to go harder and faster.
- Look at submissions from organisations you respect and tell CCC you support them. But do personalise your submission rather than just being a name on an organisation’s submission.
- Find an area you know about and answer that in detail, don’t worry about the rest
What do we do now? Taking real climate action for our future with Professor Bronwyn Hayward
Wednesday 24 March, 7-9pm at the Phillipstown Community Hub
Please note date and venue change from earlier. The event will also be livestreamed. The New Zealand Climate Change Commission drafted a report to guide New Zealand government action climate change now and over the long term.
Now the Commission need to hear from us, the public about how fast and how hard we think New Zealand needs to go to protect people and the planet.
Join Professor Bronwyn Hayward, a lead author from the IPCC for an update on the recommendations of the Commission and recent climate research insights that might help you write a submission on the report.
Facebook event here.
Submission Writing Events
7 – 9 pm, Sun 28th Feb at 23 Joyce Crescent – Submissions, Sweets and Song Facebook event. Mark yourself “Going” on the event if you’re on Facebook, or RSVP by email to <>
7.30 – 9pm, Wed 3 March on Zoom – Climate Commission Submission writing workshop on Zoom. Facebook event here.
More Greens submission writing events are listed here.
Got something you’d like to share?
If you’d like to share your submission or other resource material with others, email it to XRŌ or Dave or Torfrida and we will put it
- in the next of these newsletters and/or
- on this page right here, i.e.
We’ll also put updates of CCC-related events on the Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch Facebook event page