Press releases
Climate Change and Business Conference – Low Expectations
MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release 16 September 2022 The Environmental Defense society has partnered with Climate Change Leaders and Sustainable Business for the Climate Change and Business Conference, 19th and 20th September at Aotea Centre. Most conference [...]
Holding Decision-Makers Accountable for Climate Action
On 18 August, Auckland Council formally adopted one of the most important climate strategies the region has ever seen. The Transport Emissions Reduction Pathway, or TERP, sets out how Tāmaki Makāurau can create a [...]
Roadshow finishes with a flourish in Wellington
Calling out climate denial, a one-year-old’s birthday party, an ongoing hunger strike and even some genuine politicians all came together at Parliament today to mark the end of Extinction Rebellion’s Roadshow for Climate. [...]
Roadshow in Wairarapa and Marlborough
The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has been visiting Carterton and Marlborough today, in its attempt to put climate and ecological change at [...]
Election Roadshow for Climate in Nelson
The Election Roadshow for Climate arrived in Nelson today (Septemeber 23) while on journey north to Wellington. The Roadshow is being organised by Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand, with support from Aotearoa Climate Emergency. [...]
Climate Roadshow in Hawkes Bay
The Climate Roadshow, which started in Cape Reinga in the North and Bluff in the South, arrived in Napier on Tuesday 22 September as part of its journey to the capital. The Roadshow is [...]
Climate Roadshow arrived in Westport on Tuesday, September 22nd at the Community Stage, NBS Theatre, Palmerston Street
The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has completed its Westport leg of the journey. The Roadshow is attempting to put climate and ecological [...]
Roadshow in Palmerston North
The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has been making waves in Palmerston North in its attempt to put climate and ecological change at [...]
Roadshow in Hamilton and Christchurch
The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has been making waves in Hamilton and Christchurch, in its attempt to put climate and ecological change [...]
Roadshow in Tauranga and Oamaru
The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has been making waves in Tauranga and Oamaru, in its attempt to put climate and ecological change [...]
Media enquiries
For media enquiries and to arrange interviews, please contact