Tāmaki Makaurau End of Year Celebration
November 23, 2024, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Enjoy the company of like-minded people. Hear the stories of the year’s actions as we all do our best together to get the climate crisis adequately addressed.
Bring and share picnic, preceded by a guided city bush walk, visit to Worley’s Wall before going to the site of a historic pa where we will have our picnic.
Come for the whole experience. Or come for the picnic. Here is the schedule with estimated times:
a. Meet 10 am at the Cricket club by Smiths Bush
i. Plenty of parking
b. 25 minutes guided walk through Smiths Bush.
i. An easy level board walk
c. 10.45 leave: 10 minutes drive to Worley’s Wall – 20 minutes walk & talk
i. For the more adventurous, a steep path down.
d. 11.20 leave for 15 minutes drive to Rahopara Pa in Kennedy’s park Campbell’s Bay
e. Tour of the historic pa site.
f. 12.15 Picnic lunch
g. The two main walks are level and easy. Worleys Wall is down a slope.
h. Finish at 2 pm