NVDA Training (Auckland)
October 29, 2019, 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Extinction Rebellion is based absolutely on non violent direct and disruptive action. This is how we are more likely to get the three demands met and keep the planet livable.
Therefore it is necessary for all Rebels to have NVDA training.
This workshops aims:
● To provide a space to learn about NVDA in the context of the climate crisis;
● To clarify what NVDA is and why it can be useful;
● To outline some of the key elements of successful non-violent direct action;
● To outline some of the key philosophies of resilience in NVDA – not being attached to outcomes, service orientation, resilience/transcendence orientations;
● To allow participants to voice their concerns and gain insight into each other’s limits regarding NVDA;
● To give some insight into the law in relation to NVDA;
● To encourage the formation of affinity groups and empower those groups to effectively work together.
Come along for your first taste of NVDA, for a refresher, or to share you experience and insights.
Extremely important if you are to be taking action in the name of XR.