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Jacinda Ardern will be attending the UN Climate Summit in New York on the 23rd of September.

Let’s put pressure on her to rescind the permit her government gave for coal exploration on crown land in Waikato!

On the 23rd of September this month, Prime Minister Ardern will be attending a special United Nations ‘Climate Action Summit’ where no doubt she will be talking up her government’s climate credentials. As she gets up on the world stage, Prime Minister Ardern needs to be reminded of her promise to the Pacific Island people that New Zealand will “do its bit”.
The new coal exploration permit granted by her government to Bathurst allows the company to dig for coal on Crown land in Waikato. This is not doing our bit!
More background here

The purpose of this protest:
While she is attending the UN Climate Summit in New York, we will call on the Prime Minister to honour her commitment given to the Pacific Island leaders in Tuvalu to “do our bit” and rescind the permit her government gave to Bathurst to explore for coal on Crown land in Waikato. In the spotlight, she will have to address the inconsistence of this permit with the Government’s own 2050 zero carbon target.

Practical Details:

– Transport to the location will be coordinated between participants. It is likely that many will be travelling from Auckland area.
– While we understand that not everyone is available on a Monday it has to be on this day in order to coincide with the UN Climate Summit. If you cannot attend you can still help by sharing news of the action with all your social media accounts as soon as videos and pictures are released. If you are on Twitter, you can help by tweeting at the Government on the day.
– Dressing up: if you are feeling crafty the theme is to dress up as windmills in order to symbolise the alternative and remind the Prime Minister of a local windmill project that was abandonned.
– Gather at 10am at the entrance of the mine site on Coal Haulage Road
– This is a NON-VIOLENT protest where everybody is welcome. We will seek to engage with mine staff positively and not point our finger at them. The target is the Government and the company Bathurst Resources.
– We are working to ensure the presence of both media and politicians to send a strong message.
– Photographers/Videographers needed to produce our own materials
– Invite Friends and Family!

Any questions/suggestions/carpooling offers, please discuss on the Facebook event.

(Photo Credit: https://siddimysore.wordpress.com/2015/03/05/blacklands)