Stuff: Motorists upset by climate change protests will be a lot more annoyed by real climate change, say protesters + Video

"A few moments of disruption for motorists in centres around [...]

By |2019-04-22T00:14:28+12:00April 20th, 2019|Media coverage, News, video|Comments Off on Stuff: Motorists upset by climate change protests will be a lot more annoyed by real climate change, say protesters + Video

Newshub: Protesters take to the streets over damning environmental report + Video

"A series of protests will take place across New Zealand [...]

By |2019-04-22T00:04:14+12:00April 20th, 2019|Media coverage, News, video|Comments Off on Newshub: Protesters take to the streets over damning environmental report + Video

Bay of Plenty Times: Climate change protesters spread message through dance at Tauranga’s Jazz Festival

"Climate change activists took a creative approach to spread their [...]

By |2019-04-21T11:31:33+12:00April 20th, 2019|Media coverage, News|Comments Off on Bay of Plenty Times: Climate change protesters spread message through dance at Tauranga’s Jazz Festival

Radio NZ: Climate protests: ‘Action that is necessary to make a change’

"Environmental activist group Extinction Rebellion is set to take to [...]

By |2019-04-22T00:08:44+12:00April 19th, 2019|Audio, Media coverage, News|Comments Off on Radio NZ: Climate protests: ‘Action that is necessary to make a change’
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