Election Roadshow 2020

Election Roadshow 20202020-09-22T13:38:16+12:00
  • A group of eleven people with Extinction Rebellion flags gathered around two yellow roadsigns saying "climate disaster" and "climate action"
  • A photograph of two older men and one woman, standing in front of the Bluff roadsigns that say "London 18958km" etc and yellow roadsigns that say "Climate disaster" and "Cliamte solution"
  • A group of 20 people, standing in front of yellow roadsigns, holding banners that say "Extinction Rebellion" and "The Climate in changing, everybody is changing"
  • A group of nine people and a black dog standing around two yellow roadsigns, one says "climate disaster" and one says "climate action"

Why a roadshow?

This is a critical time for Aotearoa. Science warns us that the climate and ecological crisis will soon become irreversible, profoundly affecting every single person and all our natural ecosystems.

We need leaders who are committed to follow the science on the climate and ecological crisis. Parliament must use the post-COVID stimulus package to do what is required to address this crisis and protect our future, guided by principles of sustainability, equity and regenerative economic and social policies.

The state of emergency has demonstrated that we can do the unthinkable: follow the science, close down the country for weeks. We kicked the virus.

We need a similar response to the climate and ecological crisis and to follow the science.

This election is an opportunity for us to elect a government that will declare a state of emergency, follow the science and set a target for zero emissions by 2030, establish a citizens assembly on climate to make binding decisions, in 2021.

Join us these elections for the Election Roadshow, a country-wide movement by Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand. Follow the roadshow below and like us on Facebook to keep up with events in your area!

Election Roadshow timetable

Day Location – North Island Location – South Island
Day 1 – Monday September 14 Cape Reinga, 9:30am Bluff
Day 2 – Tuesday September 15
Whangarei, 9:00am Queenstown, 11:00am
Day 3 – Wednesday September 16
Auckland (Tāmaki Makaurau): Devonport, 12:30pm Dunedin (Ōtepoti), 11:00am
Day 4 – Thursday September 17
Tauranga, 2:30pm Oamaru, 11:00am
Day 5 – Friday Sepember 18 Hamilton, 2:30pm Christchurch (Ōtautahi), 12:30pm
Day 6 – Saturday September 19 New Plymouth, 1:30pm
Day 7 – Sunday September 20 Whanganui, 10:30am
Day 8 – Monday September 21 Palmerston North
Day 9 – Tuesday September 22
Hawkes Bay, 1-4:30pm Westport, 12:30pm
Day 10 – Wednesday September 23 Masterton, 3:00pm Nelson, 12:30pm
Day 11 – Thursday September 24
Carterton, 10:00am

Greytown, 1:00pm

Blenheim, 2:00pm
Day 12 – Friday September 25
Wellington, 12:30pm Wellington, 12:30pm

First day of Election Roadshow for Climate a success

The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), has had a successful start to the eleven day journey to put climate and ecological change at the forefront of this election.

The Roadshow, which started concurrently from Bluff and Cape Reinga today, will be promoting three election issues: the declaration of a national climate emergency; a Citizens’ Assembly on climate next year; and a green post-COVID-19 economic recovery plan.

In Bluff, activists gathered at the iconic Stirling Point to hear Environment Southland councillor Robert Guyton speak about his attempts to get the Southland Regional Council to declare a climate emergency, as well as some of the issues that Southland faces with a changing climate.

“Covid-19 has swept climate change out of the picture,” said Robert. “That’s why I like what the Climate Roadshow is doing; hoping to bring it back into focus for people because it is a critical issue, and one that can’t be left to simmer away for a few more years.”

Robert also expressed his advocacy for a Citizens’ Assembly.

“Politics is a very constraining art, and in many ways the government is doing everything it can. The idea of a Citizens’ Assembly is very exciting because it gives ordinary people the opportunity to contribute their energy and views as well as local and central government.”

Noel Peterson, a Bluff Community Board member and environmental consultant was also interviewed.

“I started talking about climate change back in 1975,” says Noel. “Climate change is something we need to bring up for public debate, and something that communities need to be informed about.”

In Cape Reinga, the North Island contingent of the roadshow interviewed Far North resident and water advocate Karyn Nikora-Kerr about her concerns for the future of the unique Aupōuri aquifer. Karyn is concerned that intensive mono-cropping of avocado orchards are a detriment to her community.

“I’m not aligned with any political party,” says Karyn. “I’m just extremely concerned for our aquifer and her protection.”

The roadshow continues today in Whangarei in the North and Queenstown in the South.

For more information, contact Mathias Corwin, Election Roadshow Media Coordinator at mathiascorwin@gmail.com or 0204 022 7232.

By |September 15th, 2020|Categories: Blog, National, News, Post type, Press Release, Roadshow|Comments Off on First day of Election Roadshow for Climate a success

Climate Roadshow Ready to Roll

Climate roadshow ready to roll

The Election Roadshow for Climate, an initiative of Extinction Rebellion (XR) supported by Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE), is about to hit the road to put climate and ecological change to the fore this election.

The Roadshow starts concurrently from Bluff and Cape Reinga on Monday (September 14) and ends at Parliament in Wellington on Friday September 25. It will be promoting three election issues: the declaration of a national climate emergency; a Citizens’ Assembly on climate next year; and a green economic recovery post-Covid-19.

Candidates in each of the 18+ electorates to be visited by the Roadshow have been surveyed for their views on these issues, so voters can be informed about where their local candidates stand. The results will be prominently displayed at each stop.

In addition, local folk will be interviewed about how the climate and ecological crises are already affecting them, and the outlook for their region for the future. 

In Bluff, the South Island team will be speaking with Green party candidate Rochelle Francis and Labour MP Lizz Craig, while at Cape Reinga, the North Island crew will be interviewing Karyn Nikora-Kerr about how climate change is affecting the water table in Aupōuri, Northland.

“People are crying out for change but there is this disconnect between what people want and what politicians are willing to go out on a limb for,” says XR spokesperson Mathias Corwin. “There’s a surge of interest in our collective future and that’s part of what this roadshow is all about: making sure that people’s voices are heard and that politicians are listening. 

“Our strategy is to get politicians to pledge support for these crucial, planet-saving ideas. And then we encourage voters to elect as many of these politicians into parliament as we can so that they can enact these policies.”

Extinction Rebellion will be joined by the Aotearoa Climate Emergency (ACE) network on the road, and amongst other bodies, several unions have indicated support for a Citizens’ Assembly on climate. The Climate Change Commission has also indicated it would support such an Assembly to inform its work, if the government were to enable one.

“Over 1400 governance agencies across 28 different countries have declared a climate emergency,” says Mathias Corwin. “A Citizens’ Assembly on climate is already being implemented in France and the UK. A green recovery is favoured by 86% of New Zealanders. These aren’t radical ideas. These are necessary ideas.

“COVID-19 has shown us how quickly the political and economic landscape can change. The government has demonstrated it is capable of taking swift and decisive action, and we are now asking for an equally urgent response to the climate emergency.”

By |September 12th, 2020|Categories: News, Press Release, Roadshow|Comments Off on Climate Roadshow Ready to Roll
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