We do not accept this government’s attacks on: Te Ao Māori, Nature, Health, Education, Housing, Poverty, the economy, democracy and more.
We are one big whanau, the 80% of us concerned about the climate
In this newsletter:
- Quakers Sunday 21st Panel discussion
- Aorangai Club Presentation Tuesday 30th
- North Shore Pickets Tuesdays: 23rd, 30th
- Climate Café August 4th
- K’Rd First Thursdays – can you help?
- Art group – We need more people in this group
- Book Review – The Future Eaters
Quakers Panel discussion
Sunday 21st July 11.30
We have been invited to the Quakers Meeting to talk about why and how we are responding to inaction on the climate crisis. We decided on a Panel Discussion. Five of us will share our stories of why we are active with Extinction Rebellion with the hope of influencing decision makers to take real action on the climate crisis and to transform our democracy with citizens assemblies.
Aoranga Club
This Club has a long history of providing stimulating social interaction with enlightening and entertaining speakers.
Extinction Rebellion Tāmakai Makaurau is delighted to be presenting on Tuesday July 30th.

Fast Track Shane Jones Killing Frogs in the name of economic progress (that we don’t need!)
North Shore Pickets
Tuesday mornings July 23rd and 30th. For about an hour. Join Pat, Justine, and Jean. Increase awareness for climate action.
Text Pat 0276340902
CBD Monthly Climate Café
1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD. August 4th
Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels.
Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

Reminding people going to the All Blacks game of Ineos petrochemical sponsorship
First Thursday K’RD
Can you help? We so want to re-establish this great outreach. K’Rd has a wonderful party atmosphere on the first Thursday of each month. We set up a table outside Buana Satu from about 5/6 pm til 9 pm. But we need more people to help. Volunteer for great company. Meeting fabulous people, getting into fascinating conversations. Plus people join XR feeling they can do something in the face of the climate crisis. We have all the gear for the table. We just need a few more people. Text Caril on 0211883933. Or reply to this newsletter.

First Thursday K Rd 2023
Can you help with the art Group
This group is a little too thin on the ground. We need a few more people. The way it works is a request goes to the group and someone says they can do this. We needed Frog placards. But did them ourselves. They were OK but… We can help with the raw materials as required. It’s the inspiration and skills to create fun stuff (see the lethal mining equipment ‘Shane Jones’ attacked the Frogs with!!) Is this you? Text Caril 0211883933 to join the group chat
Book Review: ‘The Future Eaters’, Tim Flannery, 1994.
Wow. This book changed how I see the natural world.
Flannery describes what happened when ancestral Asians spread across the Pacific. In most places, the people found big animals that were easy to catch, ate them and there was plenty. Then, with these animals gone and the land changed, there was poverty. Later, Europeans came, exploiting the land in their own ways and changing it more.
Now I understand many things, such as why Aboriginal Australians go walkabout, why some pacific islands have many languages, why the Māori wiped out the moas, why Māori were warlike when Europeans arrived, and what the kiore did.
I found the book easy to read. It’s at the central library and free online at archive.org. I suggest you read it to understand the history of man-made change around us.
Peter Hopcroft
What is your contribution:
- Letters to the editor: Dennis and Emma are both keeping up a barrage of letters to editors: NZ Herald and the Listener. Is this something you can help with?
- Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
- Organise the zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
- Join the Agitprop Theatre troupes: with Peter, Primo, Jill, Lyndon & Margaret. Text Margaret 0224743073
- Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
- Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
- Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
- Help with press releases. With Caril
Tātou tātou, ngā tāngata katoa, ahakoa nō hea, ahakoa ko wai, arā te iwi, tetaihemahema, te whakapono, te reo, te ahurei, te whenua anō hoki.
All of us together in unison, all creeds, regardless of origin, who they are, that is to say their race, their gender, their language, their culture, belief and faith or nation.
End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees
https://extinctionrebellion.nz/xr/ https://www.facebook.com/XRTamakiMakaurau/