Post COP28

We the people must rally to the call to End Fossil fuels.

The oil lobby at COP28 won: Phasing out will not keep the planet liveable.

Already the fossil fuel sector is on the offensive with a huge PR budget to limit ‘phasing out’

In this newsletter:

  • Letter of Termination Feb 28
  • Apprehension to Action: Workshops in Eco Fest ‘24
  • SS4C March April 5
  • Climate Café 1st Sundays
  • End Urban SUVs – get stickering now.
  • North Shore Pickets
  • Akl Council & AT Lobbying

90 day Letter of Termination to the Government.

February 28th is 90 days from when this Government was inaugurated. We are turning their 90 day letter of termination back on them.

Join us or go to your local electoral office of one of the government parties. Contact us to get the letter of termination.

Dress up as an employer.

Join us at the electoral offices of the Prime Minister and the leader of the ACT Party:

To get the letter and/or to join us Text Jill: 02102570468

Apprehension to Action: Climate Anxiety workshops

Saturday March 16th Aaiotanga Community Space, 22 Emily Pl
Saturday April 13th Aaiotanga Community Space, 22 Emily Pl

Coping with uncertainty, anger, fear and/or grief – in a time of climate disaster?

Join us for an enlightening talk on Climate Anxiety, how to think about it, and how to turn in into action.

Come yourself. Come with friends.

XR Protester outside Fonterra HQ

April 5 School Strike 4 Climate

Mark your diary. Join te Rangitahi.

1.5 degrees post industrial temperature rise, the target of the Paris Ageement is dead. We will be a funeral parade at this march.

Join the funeral. Wear Black. Be a Coffin Bearer. Are you a drummer? A slow beat to help us long. Plus leafleters and more.

CBD Monthly Climate Café:

1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels

Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

END Urban SUVs.

Urban SUVs are killing people, killing the planet Aotearoa

Get the stickers onto the street and on the worst emitting SUVs in the cities. A starter pack is only $10. Email Text Kirsty: 0274422640

Council and AT ongoing pressure!

Fossil fuel powered transport is the largest polluter in our city. To pull our weight to keep the planet liveable we must get out of our cars and into electric public transport.

We need Council to maintain the TERP (Transport Emissions Reduction Plan) in the long term plan. Do a submission, tell your Local Board, respond to the People’s Panel:

Join us as we lobby relevant Council meetings. We need banner holders and people in the Guerilla Choir. Text Caril 0211883933

North Shore Pickets

Wednesday or Thursday morning for about an hour. Text Pat 0276340902

What is your contribution:

  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Organise the zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
  • Join the Art Group: Help make banners/placards with Kirsty, Eleanor & Laura
  • Join the Art Activism group: to create street theatre: Jos, Jonty Margaret and Caril
  • Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
  • Help with press releases. With Caril

Nāku, nāhau ka ora ai tātou. Ko te mahi me tōna hua e rite ana, e tika ana. Kia ngākau nui, kia hākoakoa, kia pai te wairua i roto i ēnei mahi, i ēnei āhuatanga katoa.

With your assistance and mine we will survive. The labour and results are one and the same, and valid. Be valiant and resolute, be buoyant, let your spirit be tranquil in these efforts, in all of these circumstances.

End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees