We are wading into the climate/eco/social & tiriti justice crises deeper by the day.
Last year a bunch of XR rebels around the motu pulled together the big transformational changes needed to give us a pathway to survival through these crises. (Image credit: Brian Stauffer, Univ Sth Calif, 2019)
Changes like –
- Stop coal, oil & gas production now!
- Bring in planned energy reduction, using a fair rationing system
- Move to a steady-state no-waste economy that prioritises people & planet over profit
- Reduce the dairy herd and shift to sustainable food production and landuse
- Protect and expand our carbon sinks of bush, wetlands, tree canopy
And because these changes wont happen under today’s Business As Usual –
- Move to co-governance and te tiriti justice
- Replace corporate-lobbists with forms of real participatory democracy
- End inequality by taxing the richest to enable income and housing security for all
In 2022 P2S webinars showcased these ideas and the people advocating them – like Mike Joy, John Minto, Jane Kelsey, Gareth Hughes. This year we’re asking these people and others if they will come together in a citizens’ coalition and present the political parties with a list of these big changes we need to survive the next decade as a cohesive, fair and decent society.
Will you join us?
Ring us for a chat – Torfrida, Kari, Francis, Ann & Michael G and Marilyn are Otautahi rebs involved in this. Tors ph 021 107 3937, Email info@pathwaytosurvival.nz. Facebook group. |