Tena koe,
Thank you for being part of the wonderful people around the world who are standing up to policy makers and coprorations making this planet uninhabitable. Together we are making a difference.
Baring Head (at the bottom of the North Island) CO2 Measures are fluctuating from 414.5 ppm (parts per million). Minimal decrease but a long way off what we need: 350 ppm for a liveable climate (https://niwa.co.nz/climate/research-projects/carbonwatchnz/dailyco2measurements)
Under current Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), the world is headed for 2.8 degrees of global heating by the end of the century.
Presentation to Hon Eugenie Sage MP & Ricardo Menedez March MP of the Petition requesting that the government hold fortnightly press conferences for the climate crisis. this now goes to the Petitions Committee.
Upcoming Actions:
Banner drop with ACA November 18th Banner drop Newton Rd
Fridays ongoing FFF Strike at Council Buildings 1.30 – 3 pm
Aotearoa 2035 Webinar Thursday Nov 17th 7 pm
Restore Passenger Rail Zoom intro Wednesdays Nov 24 & Dec 8
End of year pot luck dinner and Workshop ‘Talking climate crisis’ Monday Dec 12th
Climate/Action anxiety Zoom Mondays ongoing
Birkenhead Library Eco Expo XR and friends Info Table & Workshop Dec 11th 10-3pm
Planning meetings – help make actions happen Fortnightly in person/Zoom
Banner Drop with ACA (Auckland Climate Action)
Friday November 18th our activist elders from ACA are taking one of their banners to Newton Rd, 2.30 to set up the banner for the peak hour traffic on Ian McKinnon Dr, 3-4.30 pm. Great networking, leafleting and discussions with other activists and passing public. We are joiing them with one of our banners.

Fridays For Future Tamaki Makaurau: Fridays weekly 1.30 to 3 pm
What a response to the new Mayor! Joining the international Fridays Strike outside the major seat of governance in the biggest city in the country. There are new banners being made. We will have fun together, great conversations and of course talking with people passing by. Bring your lunch. But let the Mayor know we the people need action on the climate now.

Aotearoa 2035 with Pathways to Survival
Thursday November 17th 7-8.30 pm
If we are clear about how we want our society and our lives to be in ten years we’re more likely to achieve it. Five climate activists will share how they imagine our society will be if their best and most feasible hopes for the future come true. Hear Ben Lowe, Catherine Murupaegna Iken, Paul Bruce, Phoebe Wright and Rosemary Penwarden. Then workshop your dreams and responses in a small group before whole group feedback.
Registration is essential: https://events.humanitix.com/aotearoa-in-2035-in-our-best-imaginings-k9ic8aq0

Beachhaven Library Eco Expo
December 11th 10-2 pm Help Justine at the XR/climate activist information table at the Eco Expo. Stimulate conversations: listen to peoples hopes, dreams & fears of the climate crisis. Help them to join the community of climate activists. We will have banners, info leaflets, sign up sheets, badges and stickers. Always a great way to meet the wonderful people who are making a difference.
Extinction Rebellion Tamaki Makauraru End of Year
Monday Dec 12th 6.30 pm Rainbow Room Friends Meeting house 112 Mt Eden Rd
Pot luck dinner and workshop: Talking climate crisis with friends and family. A must as we enter the family orientated summer festive session. Come for superb company, a stimulating presentation leading to scintillating conversation. Gear up to get those all important conversations happening over the festive season, inching people towards taking effective action, with XR or with other activist groups. Facilitated by David and Philipp.

Restore Passenger Rail
RPR is the promised active disruptive nonviolent action campaign of XR. Let’s not split our scarce resources. Let’s collaborate, work together. It is vital that we are successful.
To join you need attend this online introduction Thursday November 24 & December 8, 7 pm: https://fb.me/e/1ZTSNWpgy Then attend a nonviolent action workshop, take smaller actions such as those above and invite friends and family to join.
XR Planning meetings:
Bring your ideas, enthusiasm and skills. It’s taking everything we’ve got to be successful – which we must. Fortnightly 1st and 3rd Mondays. In person at Friends Center 113 Mt Eden Rd or join by Zoom – details will be emailed to you.
Or join a working group: Red rebels, banner making, Placards, Cyber Rebellion, Phone tree, social media, public meetings, leafleting, poster runs and more.
Can’t join actions?
Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00
A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.
Looking forward to seeing you at these and ongoing at actions
as together we Rebel to change the system
to live within planetary boundaries
Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees