It’s Time To Vote!

Voting is open for local government elections! We need Christchurch City Council to make a carbon transition that is equitable, democratic and transparent. Mayoral and council candidates have been asked some simple yes/no questions on four key issues.

Single Transferable Vote is a fair, ranked-choice voting system that results in more diverse councils that better represent the values of voters. They use it in Wellington, Dunedin and Hamilton. We asked councillors: do you support STV?

A big part of our rates bill is a flat charge that is the same for everyone, no matter if you’ve got a one-bedroom flat or a mansion. That’s not fair! If we have to increase rates, we should take a property’s capital value into account instead of raising the flat charge. We asked councillors if they agreed.

Carbon Target
Our council has already committed to zero emissions by 2045 and a 50% reduction by 2030. We asked councillors to stand by that commitment.

If we want to reduce emissions, we need to know how much CO2 our council’s budget is costing us. So we asked councillors to commit to transparent CO2-equivalent estimates for budgets items over $10,000.

Survey results for each ward are being shared on social media over the coming days so keep watching and share these results to your local groups, and support everyone you know to vote.

Full CCC candidate survey results here:…/1kiiMLSJu31YxzRUvY-on…/edit

or on the XRŌ pages on Facebook and Instagram.

#VoteClimate #CCC #Elections2022

This survey is endorsed by XR Ōtautahi, SS4C Ōtautahi, 350 Christchurch, Sustainable Ōtautahi Christchurch and Christchurch Envirohub.

There is information on special voting here.

SS4C Climate Strike This Week

Join in this multi-generational climate strike on Friday 23 September at 1pm at Cathedral Square to protest the council’s inaction on the climate emergency and demand bolder legislation, better public transport, walkable cities and a just transition.

Follow schoolstrikeforclimatechch on Instagram for the latest details, DM for any questions, or email

Our Responsibilities At This Time – Restore Passenger Rail

Our friends at Restore Passenger Rail are running a peaceful civil resistance campaign that heaps of XR folk are getting involved in.
Upcoming events are:

Read about the campaign on Stuff.

  • Postering and flyering: Tues 20/9 Gather at Victoria St clock tower at 6pm.
  • Our Responsiblities at This Time (intro talk): Thurs 7-8:30pm Sept 22 and 29 at WEA. Event details here
  • Our Responsibilities at This Time (online talk): Fri 7-9:30pm 23rd. Event details here.

Keeping In Touch

Welcome Newbees and XR returnees to Heartbeat – Next Heartbeat is 7pm, Friday 23 September at the WEA, 59 Gloucester St.

  • Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
  • Email – XR Ōtautahi rebs can be contacted by emailing us at
  • Facebook – Check out our Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch Facebook events page.