Time for Action

Dear XRŌ whānau,
As a third of Pakistan lies underwater – drowned by the climate crisis and the emissions of developed nations – what do our consciences ask us to do? Will we take action urgently, as we would if a third of Aotearoa were underwater, or will we be onlookers, as if those people’s lives and livelihoods don’t matter? If you’re wanting to take action, we’re with you, you’re not alone. Come to these events, bring your friends and family, it’s not too late to do what’s right.

WHEN PIGS FLY! Disrupt Tarras Airport – On This Thursday

We’re going to tell Christchurch City Council (CCC) that it is time to reduce emissions, not build new airports. Please join us on Thursday 15 September at 9.30am outside the Art Gallery.

CCC is trying to allow your (ratepayers) money to be spent on building an unwanted new international airport in Central Otago. This will worsen the climate crisis, rip apart the local Tarras community, and ultimately affect the rates you pay or the services you get. Will we allow this to happen? WHEN PIGS FLY! Come along to participate in a nonviolent, fun protest. Dress as a flying pig, or as a tourist@ at the airport. Maybe… hawaiian shirt, camera, bags, hats etc, searching for the departure board, or lost passport.

Our action is timed for the day before the start of local govt election voting, in order to make sure that Tarras airport and the climate crisis are election issues, and that we get more councillors who listen to the people rather than corporate greenwashing. Please bring a mask and stay at home if you have any possible Covid symptoms.

Facebook event link.

Our Responsibilities At This Time – Restore Passenger Rail

Our friends at Restore Passenger Rail are running a peaceful civil resistance campaign that heaps of XR folk are getting involved in.
Upcoming events are:

  • Follow-up talk for those who have already come to intro talk: Sat 10/9 at WEA, 3-4pm
  • Postering and flyering: Sat 10/9 Gather at WEA at 4pm.
  • Postering and flyering: Sun 11/9 Gather at 5:30pm outside EPIC (Tuam St side.) Event details here
  • Our Responsiblities at This Time (intro talk): Thurs 7-8:30pm Sept 15, 22, 29 at WEA. Event details here
  • Full day non-violent direct action training: Sun 18 Sept 9:30-5pm (please come to online or in person intro talk first.) You’ll receive more details after you register here: https://fb.me/e/fnd2KFhfX

SS4C Climate Strike Coming Soon

Get ready to join in this multi-generational climate strike on Friday 23 September at 1pm at Cathedral Square. Join in to protest the councils inaction on the climate emergency and demand bolder legislation, better public transport, walkable cities and a just transition.

Follow schoolstrikeforclimatechch on Instagram for the latest details, DM for any questions, or
email chchstrikeforclimate@gmail.com

Pathway to Survival

Missed a Pathway to Survival webinar? They are now available on their website here including the most recent webinar, “Peak everything, what does that mean for food and energy futures?” with Mike Joy (webinar and slides). Watch here for future webinars, too.

The Vote Climate candidates page is now live!

Where does your candidate stand on local climate action? Find out at the Vote Climate candidate page! Over 2,400 candidates across Aotearoa have been emailed to find out what they will do to reduce emissions in ways that will have the biggest impact. Check out the responses from candidates in your area and #VoteClimate this October! And follow Vote Climate on Facebook.

There have been some issues with getting the correct tick box ratings up on the site. Some ratings have been corrected and some candidates seem to have been removed, perhaps temporarily. Check back later if a candidate you expect to be there is missing.

350 Ōtautahi Election Event

At 7.30pm this Friday, 16 September (at the WEA) retiring local ECan councillor Lan Pham will talk about the context of what’s ahead for the next ECan council, in terms of the bigger picture of the climate and ecological emergency. She will also give us her thoughts on the candidates standing for ECan councillor positions in the current election and draw attention to the stand out candidates in the CCC contests. Come along and hear about which candidates have climate-friendly and pro-sustainability positions.

Keeping In Touch

Welcome Newbees and XR returnees to Heartbeat – Next Heartbeat is 7pm, Friday 23 September at the WEA, 59 Gloucester St.

  • Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
  • Email – XR Ōtautahi rebs can be contacted by emailing us at christchurch@extinctionrebellion.nz
  • Facebook – Check out our Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Christchurch Facebook events page.