We are starting this newsletter with the second demand as a reminder of what we are working towards: avoiding the worst of the climate crisis. As you know without intervention, we are on track for an untenable 3 to 4 degrees. In Aotearoa we are experiencing repeated unprecedented storms and floods.  But with intervention we are not likely to limit the post-industrial temperature rise to 1.5 degrees (currently being at 1.2) but we might be able to peak about 2 degrees then start dropping back.

This requires that the second demand is met:


The Government must arrest with urgency the extinction of the diversity of life, to achieve net zero carbon and reduce toxic gas emissions by 2025. They must do this briskly and immediately with genuine reliability to avoid catastrophic change.

Join the nonviolent direct action campaign to overwhelm the vested interests thwarting our democracy and overinfluencing Councils and Parliament to take the actions required to meet this second demand and minimise the effectcs of the climate crisis.

Join the action at Energy Matters

August 4th 6.30 pm. Owen Glenn building University of Auckland. Join the disruptive action for this unacceptable greenwashing event. Michael Bennetts, Founding CEO of Z Energy is talking about the Post Carbon Society. How dare he promote Z Energy as climate leading merely because their operations are emission neutral, and they use a little biogas, are installing EV Chargers at their petrol stations when over the years Z has kept buying and selling petrol and diesel. And now with legislation they to be a climate leader to a post carbon society.

First Thursday K’Rd Info Stall

Thursday this week August 4th from 3,30 through to 9 pm. XR has a table at the First Thursday Markets to talk with people about what they and we can do together about the climate crisis by joining Extinction Rebellion. Sell badges, stickers and T shirts. We especially need people from 7pm. Can you help with this? Text Charlotte  0211104420

Vote Climate/Keep it cool

Vote Climate is a broad coalition of unions, climate action, public transport, walking groups and cycling groups working together to encourage our politicians to do the right thing – invest to keep it cool.


Check you are enrolled to vote here: https://vote.nz/enrolling/enrol-or-update

Petition: This is an emergency. Treat it like you did the Covid Emergency!

Listen to Bernard’s interview with Jesse Mulligan Radio NZ National. https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/afternoons/audio/2018841359/never-too-old-to-be-an-activist

We respectfully request the House of Representatives urge the Government to hold fortnightly press conferences to inform the public on the country’s progress in reducing greenhouse gases.


AND NOW: get everyone to sign. Print hard copies. Mail to PO Box 56077 Dominion Rd Auckland 1446

Holding Auckland Council to account:

Council measures emissions in the city once every two years. This makes a mockery of Te Tāruke-ā-Tāwhiri: Auckland Climate Plan with goals of halving emissions by 2030 and zero emissions by 2050. These goals of course are not good enough to keep to the Paris Agreement of less than and preferably 1.5 postindustrial temperature increase. But measuring every two years! Like Really!!

This action is ongoing with a delegation invited by Pippa Coombes, Deputy Chair Environment and Climate Action Committee and submissions to the Finance & Performance Committee plus the Planning Committee. Please support this ongoing action. Contact Mairi by text 020 40417695.

Taking the campaign into the District Court

August Monday 23rd 9.30. The three arrestees up against the police in Court. Three hours are allowed for the police to give evidence, including a video, that we defaced ANZ property. We are presenting to Court with an expert witness that the climate crisis requires urgent action which is why we painted on the footpath and a retired investment banker will provide evidence of the significant fossil fuel investments of ANZ. We will argue that the real criminal here is the ANZ.

Conscientious Protectors: The story of Extinction Rebellion

Monday September 5th 6.30 PM West City Events Cinemas.

This is the untold story of how in April 2019 Extinction Rebellion rallied the largest civil disobedience of a generation holding London to ransom for 10 days forcing the Government to meet and discuss their three demands to avert the climate crisis. With exclusive access to the Extinction Rebellion (XR) movement, this flyon the wall documentary tells their story. This monumental feat took months and months of planning and we followed the key co-founders on XR through their planning to the streets.

We have talking rights prior to the film and a Q & A after. Red Rebels will show you to your seats.

Get your tickets now: https://nz.demand.film/conscientious-protectors-story-rebellion-extinction/

Make new friends. Join one or more of the groups below.

Banner Library

Margaret is the Banner Librarian, with flags and placards too. Help make placards, banners or flags. Be a placard and/or flag librarian. Make sure every action has leaflets, buttons, signup forms. Work with Margaret for the banners, flags and placards. If this is how you can make a difference text Margaret now: 0224743073.

Cyber activist Group

Disruption can happen in different ways.  You can block a coal mine. Or a street.

Or you can puncture slick and carefully crafted marketing glitz with a well-placed comment on social media.  Or distract the energy and resources of their back-office to deal with frivolous queries.

That’s what the eRebellion is all about – rebels holding the polluters to account on their social media pages, asking pointed questions of politicians in public forums, trolling deniers, disrupting polluters, and generally keeping climate change in the public conscience.

Want to find out more?  Register your interest by sending an email to eRebellion@protonmail.com and we’ll be in touch.

Public Talks

Wednesdays Brian & Gill are going around the University and Polytech campus’s.

We are getting requests and initiating talks to encourage people to join the rebellion. You can help with supporting the person giving the talk. This includes handing out leaflets, getting signatures on the petition and people to sign up to the newsletter, encouraging registration and voting in the local body elections. You don’t need to be a public speaker. A lot more support is needed. Contact Brian 0211597487 or Gill 021869677

Red Rebels:

We are aiming for a larger group of Red Rebels for more effect. Do you enjoy a little drama? Want to be part of street theatre? This maybe your place in the Rebellion.

Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGPv0wALfWw

If this is you, please text Margaret 0224743073.

Buddhist Rebels

There is a long tradition of civil disobedience in Buddhism. Join a group of Buddhists here in Tamaki Makaurau to take relevant actions together: Text Gill 021869677

Gill meditating while blocking Petrol Tankers from entering Wiri oil Transfer Station.

Scientist Rebellion

Do you have a science background? Are you a scientist? There are an increasing number of scientists collaborating, joining together for climate action. The narrative is something like ‘We have been talking for years telling the world what we are finding regarding the climate crisis. Too little if any notice is being taken. We feel we have no choice other than to publicly bring this out in the open through nonviolent civil disobedience’

If this is you, text Brian: 0211597487

Songs for Climate Action

Have you checked out the Songs for Climate album yet? Are you a musician and can join this group of creatives:


Fashion Rebellion:

We need ethically made, sustainable clothes. FFF is working with the Up Cycle collective giving us many more options. To join email Lucy-Mae lucymaesparkle@hotmail.com

Can’t join actions?

Help the Rebellion through social media, join Zoom meetings, help the petition and more.

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

The Third demand:


The Government must assist in the construction and adhere to the decisions reached by citizen assemblies and the united tribes, about the climate and the rights of all life forms. That health, wellbeing and prosperity be secured for the myriad forms of life in the universe. (The citizens’ assembly is established by the residents of a community through sortition.)

Looking forward to seeing you at meetings, over coffee, and ongoing at actions

as together we Rebel to change the system

to live within planetary boundaries

Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees