Whakarauora Āhuarangi
Climate Solution
Dates for your dairy:
June 23 Court Action 10.45 meet at Sky tower to escort three rebels appearing in Court, show the Court that there is significant support for these Rebels by being in the public Gallery.
June 26 – 28 Debt for Climate This is a international campaign while the G7 is meeting in Germany. We will keep you in formed of the stunning visual action that is to be created and replicated around the country.
July 7 10 am, Auckland Council Environment and Climate Committee meeting on the anniversary of the climate emergency declaration. We Are Witnessing. How much has the city decreased emissions over the three years.
July 7 6 pm Energy Matters Owen Glenn Building Auckland University. Get your tickets now.
July 25th 6.30 Conscientious Objectors: The story of Extinction Rebellion. West City Events Centre. Get your tickets now
In this newsletter:
· Wiri Oil Services Shut down for 5 hours
· Petition: Tell The Truth
· Tea at Fonterra
· Ellerslie Banner Drop
Song writers 4 climate album launch
· Upcoming actions
· Cyber Activist Group
· Buddhist Rebels
· Scientist Rebellion
· Urban guerilla food forest
· Fashion Rebellion
· Red Rebels
Wiri Oil Services Ltd
95% of the petrol diesel and aviation fuel for the city is supplied from Wiri. This action was to get the message across that we need to urgently stop oil to honour the Paris Agreement of less than 2 degrees (preferably 1.5 degrees) postindustrial planetary temperature increase.
We shut down the exit and entrance for tankers for 5 hours while they and we waited for police to remove us. We hurried things along with two of us climbing on a tanker.
Rather than being arrested which we expected 5 of us were given trespass noticed. We now risk arrest if we do this again within 2 years. We now anticipate 5 actions with one arrest each, given there are others who are willing to a trespass notice!
Petition: Tell The Truth!
Regular press conferences specifically about climate change will encourage reporters with specialised knowledge to attend and will give them the opportunity to question Government closely on the climate crisis.
Get signatures for the petition for regular press conferences, just like the government did for Covid:
AND NOW: get everyone to sign. Print hard copies. Mail to PO Box 56077 Dominion Rd Auckland 1446
Tea at Fonterra
A collaboration with Fridays for Future, we invited Fonterra to tea outside their HQ in Fanshaw St.
Sophie held an excellent interview. With thanks to Hasini you can listen here: https://drive.google.com/file/
They dont seem to know that they are by far the worst polluter in the country: https://www.newsroom.co.nz/
Ellerslie Train Station Banner Drop
A collaboration with ACA (Coal Action Network) saw banners over the motorway, leafleting and petition signatures collected. We had an hour before the Police were called by security, and we were required to leave without penalty. Always great to work with our colleagues.
Song writers 4 climate action: Album Launch
Release of the first album: Holding Space are proud to be releasing our first compilation album for our SW4CA Community Project this NZMusicMonth of May.
Involving 12 artists from various backgrounds, perspectives and genres; we recorded 12 songs at Roundhead Studios. This is available on all major platforms. https://www.
Up coming Actions
June 23 Court Action 10.45 meet at Sky tower. Join the Red Rebels escorting three rebels appearing in Court for the Wilful Damage of painting on the footpath. Be in the public gallery to show the Court that there is significant support for civil resistance to the climate crisis.
June 26 – 28 Debt for Climate An international campaign during the G7 meeting in Germany. We will create a stunning visual action to be replicated around the country. Ideas include presenting local MP’s with a bill for Pasifika Nations to mitigate against the loss of their lands to sea rise.
July 7 10 am, Auckland Council Environment and Climate Committee meeting. On the anniversary of the climate emergency declaration. We Are Witnessing. How much has the city decreased emissions over the three years.
July 7 6 pm Energy Matters Owen Glenn Building Auckland University. Get your tickets now. https://www.eventbrite.co.nz/
An Energy Matters Research Centre, featuring Mike Bennetts, founding Chief Executive of Z Energy Limited, in a public lecture on the future and current transition to a low carbon economy. It is felt necessary to challenge this topic being addressed by the CEO of one of the major polluters in the country. Lies. Greenwashing. Please buy tickets even if you can’t attend. Please join us to support the necessary disruption.
July 25th 6.30 Conscientious Objectors: The story of Extinction Rebellion. West City Events Centre. This is the world premier, and Extinction Rebellion Tamaki Makaurau is there. Be escorted to your seat by Red Rebels. Introduction by Rebels. Q & A after. Reserve your tickets now: https://tickets.demand.film/
Click here for the trailer: https://nz.demand.film/
November 7 – 19 during COP 27: The eyes of the media will be on COP. We will give the media something to look at in this country and get the message out: The people of the world want to follow the science to keep living well within our precious ecosystems. This means Zero Emissions 2025
Can you help? YES! Join one of these groups or create your own group
Red Rebels:
A fabulous group of Red Rebels is established. They morphed into Green for Earth Day. Do you enjoy a little drama? Want to be part of street theatre? This maybe your place in the Rebellion.
Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?
If this is you, please text Margaret 0224743073.
Cyber activist Group
We’re putting together a team of Rebels, who want to take the action online. We will be holding the polluters to account on their social media pages, asking pointed questions of politicians in public forums, trolling deniers, disrupting polluters, and generally keeping climate change in the public conscience.
Want to find out more? Sending an email to: cyber@extinctionrebellion.nz and we’ll be in touch.
Buddhist Rebels
There is a long tradition of civil disobedience in Buddhism. Join a group of Buddhists here in Tamaki Makaurau to take relevant actions together: Text Gill 02189677
Scientist Rebellion
Do you have a science background? Are you a scientist? There are an increasing number of scientists collaborating, joining together for climate action. The narrative is something like ‘We have been talking for years telling the world what we are finding regarding the climate crisis. Too little if any notice is being taken. We feel we have no choice other than to publicly bring this out in the open through nonviolent civil disobedience’
If this is you, text Brian: 0211597487
Urban Guerilla Food Forest
Join Isaac with surreptiously adding Fruit Trees and more to the urban street scape. Address rewilding of the city and food security. Big issues as we go further into the climate crisis. Text Isaac on 021 135 4333
Fashion Rebellion:
Fashion rebellion is happening with the Up Cycle collective. To join email Lucy-Mae lucymaesparkle@hotamil.com
Can’t join actions?
Help the Rebellion through social media, join Zoom meetings, help the petition and more.
Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00
A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.
Me oho ake, me mātike,
me kakama ki te kōrerorero ki te mahi i te mahi e tika ana hoki.
We need to be attentive, on our feet,
and enthusiastic to discuss the work that is required.
Looking forward to seeing you at meetings, over coffee, and ongoing at actions
as together we Rebel to change the system to live within planetary boundaries
Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees