Giving us hope A business forum chaired by Senior business journalist ( and green activist) Rod Oram is overwhelmingly in favour of nonviolent civil disobedience.
Wiri Oil Transfer Station shut down for 5 hours
On the day that the Emissions Reduction Plan was presented a group of Rebels accompanied by Fridays for Future activists, drove up to the entrance, hopped out of the van and sat down at the exit/entrance for the petrol tankers. We set up the banners and flags. Had lunch.
Management approached us asking if we were having a sit in. We replied well… YES!. We were told we were trespassing and asked to leave. Which of course we didn’t do. So we were told we would be evicted! We waited for 4 hours for the police to come and evict us. Getting impatient two of us climbed on the tanker. Well… that got action. Next thing there we 20 odd police officers to get 5 activists ‘evicted’! We expected to be arrested. However the Police are still having the policy to not arrest if at all possible. We were duly given trespass notices which are in place for 2 years.
We are now making more plans!
In this newsletter:
· Petition: Press conferences for the climate crisis
· Coming actions May 16th, 19th & November 7-19 Te Whanganui a Tara
· Pathways to survival
· Cyber Activist Group
· Buddhist Rebels
· Scientist Rebellion
· Urban guerilla food forest
· Fashion Rebellion
· Red Rebels
Petition: This is an emergency. Treat it like you did the Covid Emergency!
Get signatures for the petition for regular press conferences, just like the government did for Covid:
THEN: get everyone to sign. Print hard copies. Mail to PO Box 56077 Dominion Rd Auckland 1446
Listen to Bernard’s interview with Jesse Mulligan Radio NZ National.
Friday last week with 2 Red Rebels attracting attention we were at Commercial Bay Shopping Centre gathering signatures for the petition,
Up coming Actions
A busy end of week:
Thursday 26th 2.30 pm Ellerslie train station
Join ACA at Ellerslie Train station pedestrian over bridge. Help with the Banner for the motorists slowed for peak hour traffic. Leaflet and get signatures for the petition from the busy pedestrian over bridge.
Friday 27th 12 md Tea at Fonterra
Join Fridays for Future for a tea party. Fonterra CEO and Marketing Dept have been invited to join. We will be leafleting and getting signatures for the petition.
See the FB invite here: …
Friday 27th 6-9pm at Flagship Viaduct Basin
After so much action we are socialising with Song Writers 4 Climate Action
Holding Space are proud to be releasing their first compilation album for Song Writers 4 Climate Action. You heard them at Earth Day. 12 artists from various backgrounds, perspectives and genres. 12 songs recorded at Roundhead Studios.
Link to the FB Invite here: …
November 7 – 19 in Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington, this coincides with COP 27. The eyes of the media will be on COP. We will give the media something to look at and get the message: The people of the world want to follow the science to keep living well within our precious ecosystems. This means Zero Emissions 2025
There is a planning Zoom Monday June 6th. So more news soon.
Pathways to Survival
Let’s build a coalition to put forward a platform of these solutions.
A wero/challenge to political candidates.
A pathway to survival for all of us together.
Check this out on the website here: …
How you can help the rebellion
There is much behind the scenes and other options for you to help join the rebellion to keep the planet livable. Join one of these groups
Cyber activist Group
Calling IT Nerds: Disruption can happen in different ways. You can block a coal mine. Or a street.
Or, you can puncture the slick and carefully crafted marketing glitz with a well placed comment on social media. Or, distract the energy and resources of their back-office to deal with frivolous queries.
That’s what the eRebellion is all about – rebels holding the polluters to account on their social media pages, asking pointed questions of politicians in public forums, trolling deniers, disrupting polluters, and generally keeping climate change in the public conscience.
Want to find out more? Register your interest by sending an email to and we’ll be in touch.
Buddhist Rebels
There is a long tradition of civil disobedience in Buddhism. Join a group of Buddhists here in Tamaki Makaurau to take relevant actions together: Text Gill 02189677
Scientist Rebellion
Do you have a science background? Are you a scientist? There are an increasing number of scientists collaborating, joining together for climate action. The narrative is
‘We have been talking for years telling the world what we are finding regarding the climate crisis. Too little if any notice is being taken. We feel we have no choice other than to publicly bring this out in the open through nonviolent civil disobedience’
If this is you, text Brian: 0211597487
Urban Guerilla Food Forest
Join Isaac with surreptiously adding Fruit Trees and more to the urban street scape. Address rewilding of the city and food security. Big issues as we go further into the climate crisis. Text Isaac on 021 135 4333
Fashion Rebellion:
We need to move beyond the profiteering unethical fashion business. We need to move to ethically made, sustainable clothes. FFF is working with the Up Cycle collective giving us many more options. And we are into nonviolent civil disobedianec. Join us for Tees a Fonterra. To join email Lucy-Mae
Red Rebels:
A fabulous group of Red Rebels is established. Do you enjoy a little drama? Want to be part of street theatre? This maybe your place in the Rebellion.
Please watch:
If this is you, please text Margaret 0224743073.
Can’t join actions?
Help the Rebellion through social media, join Zoom meetings, help the petition and more.
Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00
A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.
Me kōrero pono, me tika ngā kōrero a Te Kāwanatanga, me ū anō hoki ia ki te pono me te tika e pā ana ki ngā āhuatanga o te taiao, mō tōna hurihanga me te ootaxa potapotae āhuarangi. Me ngana ia ki te mahi tahi me rōpu kē atu ki te whakapuaki i tēnei āhuaranga mōrearea.
The Government must be sincere and honest, and must abide so concerning the state of the environment, its alteration and the imminent and inevitable worldwide climate and ecological emergency. The Government must work together with other groups and bodies to declare the impending disaster.
Looking forward to seeing you at meetings, over coffee, and ongoing at actions
as together we Rebel to change the system
to live within planetary boundaries
Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees