Whakarauora Āhuarangi

Climate Solution

Earth Day was an awesome day, in spite of the weather. Thank you so much to everyone who participated and shared in aroha for Mother Earth with us!

Here is a wee summary of what we seeded with Earth Day 2022:

– 3 Cities hosting events

– 6 Petitions shared (+50k signatures)

– 9 Stalls sharing information

– 9 Musicians singing for Earth

– 9+ Speakers inspiring us across Aotearoa

– Infinite Aroha and Solidarity

In this newsletter:

·       Earth Day April 22nd

·       Petition: Tell The Truth

·       Coming actions May 20th & November 7-19 Te Whanganui a Tara

·       Cyber Activist Group

·       Buddhist Rebels

·       Scientist Rebellion

·       Urban guerilla food forest

·       Fashion Rebellion

·       Red Rebels

Extinction Rebellion at Earth Day

The Green Rebels were great.  They walked around Aotea Sq and up and down Queen St and stood for a while outside ANZ. They were in front of the stage area while Brian, Bernard and Caril were speaking.

We had a strong presence with flags signs and banners, plus a great information stall. Charlotte was fantastic on the stall, with assistance from Justine & Lea. We sold T-Shirts, buttons and car stickers. We got signatures for the petition.

It was great to use the Climate Crisis/Climate Solution signs again. The stand-up banners used for the first time were well received. The Green Rebels used the Planet before Profit Banner. The banner UN Says Zero Years for Climate Action.

Adam and Brian helped with putting up flags and banners. Bernard and his wife got the petition hard copy ready to collect signatures. Lea & Charlotte helped with getting signatures.

Adam, Hasini, Charlotte & Val helped with tidying up

We made some good contacts with other groups and key individuals.

Petition: Tell The Truth!

Get signatures for the petition for regular press conferences, just like the government did for Covid:


AND NOW: get everyone to sign. Print hard copies. Add a signature column.                           Mail to PO Box 56077 Dominion Rd Auckland 1446

We rarely hear of government policies on climate change, the greatest threat to the future well-being of our children and grandchildren-and indeed of the whole planet. In 2019 the Prime Minister said that the climate crisis is ‘this generation’s nuclear free moment’ and Government declared a climate emergency. Arguably, Government has failed to treat it as such. I believe it is time to take action which makes a vital and lasting difference and to hold Government to account.

Regular press conferences specifically about climate change will encourage reporters with specialised knowledge to attend and will give them the opportunity to question Government closely on this crucial issue.

Knowledge is power! The majority of Kiwis believe the country is doing well in its response to the climate crisis. However, the international Climate Action Tracker rates our performance as ‘highly insufficient’. Press conferences will enable the public to be realistically informed about our CO2 emissions which will pressure the government to take action.

New Zealand by itself can make only a small difference but countries with small economies are numerous and together have a significant effect on CO2 emissions. NZ could be bold and lead by example.

Reducing our greenhouse gas emissions will help create a future without damaging storms, droughts and floods and will reduce the dangers of sea level rise. It will create a country of communities connected by efficient public transport and green, liveable cities for future generations.

Bernard Schofield

Up coming Actions

Put these dates in your diary: May 20th. Details coming. There will be lots of different roles from leafleting to banner holding and much more besides.

November 7 – 19 in Te Whanganui a Tara Wellington, this coincides with COP 27. The eyes of the media will be on COP. We will give the media something to look at and get the message: The people of the world want to follow the science to keep living well within our precious ecosystems. This means Zero Emissions 2025

Can you help? YES! Join one of these groups or create your own group

Cyber activist Group

Want to save the planet without leaving your sofa?

We’re looking at putting together a team of rebels, who want to take the action online. We would be holding the polluters to account on their social media pages, asking pointed questions of politicians in public forums, trolling deniers, disrupting polluters, and generally keeping climate change in the public conscience.

Best of all, you can do it in your onesie and ugg-boots. Or from your phone when you’ve got a spare minute.

Want to find out more? Register your interest by sending an email to xr-cyber@protonmail.com and we’ll be in touch.

Buddhist Rebels

There is a long tradition of civil disobedience in Buddhism. Join a group of Buddhists here in Tamaki Makaurau to take relevant actions together: Text Gill 02189677

Scientist Rebellion

Do you have a science background? Are you a scientist? There are an increasing number of scientists collaborating, joining together for climate action. The narrative is something like ‘We have been talking for years telling the world what we are finding regarding the climate crisis. Too little if any notice is being taken. We feel we have no choice other than to publicly bring this out in the open through nonviolent civil disobedience’

If this is you, text Brian on 021 159 7487

Urban Guerilla Food Forest

Join Isaac with surreptiously adding Fruit Trees and more to the urban street scape. Address rewilding of the city and food security. Big issues as we go further into the climate crisis. Text Isaac on 021 135 4333

Fashion Rebellion:

Fashion rebellion is happening with the Up Cycle collective.  To join email Lucy-Mae lucymaesparkle@hotamil.com

Red Rebels:

A fabulous group of Red Rebels is established. They morphed into Green for Earth Day. Do you enjoy a little drama? Want to be part of street theatre? This maybe your place in the Rebellion.

Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGPv0wALfWw

If this is you, please text Margaret 0224743073.

Local groups

North Shore: text Justine 0218169 or Pat 0276340902

Warkworth/Rodney Text Jill or Steve 02102570468

Central: text Caril 0211883933 or Margaret 022473073

West/Titrangi local group is coming

Can’t join actions?

Help the Rebellion through social media, join Zoom meetings, help the petition and more.

Every campaign needs finance. Please donate through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

Me oho ake, me mātike, me kakama ki te kōrerorero ki te mahi i te mahi e tika ana hoki.

We need to be attentive, on our feet, and enthusiastic to discuss the work that is required.

Looking forward to seeing you at meetings, over coffee, and ongoing at actions

as together we Rebel to change the system

to live within planetary boundaries

Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees