Whakarauora Āhuarangi

Climate Solution

Tena koutou katoa. Hoping everyone has had a great festive season and are gearing up to an effective 2022. This is a year of hope. COP 27, November 2022, is holding countries accountable to meeting the Paris Agreement of 1.5 degrees post industrial warming. After the totally inadequate COP26 (but with some significant movement in the right direction) we need to increase the pressure on our Government to get real movement. The science is clear. The goals from COP26 will take the planet to 4+degrees warming. Read David Willis Wells to see the predictions for this.

In Tamaki Makauraru (Auckland) Extinction Rebellion is starting early going hard and fast. Please consider what you can do to help us have a positive effect. Aotearoa New Zealand could so easily be like Cost Rica – reversed deforestation and 2019 created a national zero carbon plan

In this newsletter:

·       Picnic in Huntly this Saturday

·       Earth Day April 22nd

·       Get ready to support the petition

·       Get your car stickers now

·       Urban guerilla food forest

Picnic in Huntly

We are off to Huntly this Saturday

Meet in Ellerslie Township at 9:30 for carpooling, picnicing by the river (weather allowing) & returning early afternoon.

* Meet-up at Richoux Patisserie, 119 Main Highway, Ellerslie at 9:30 to depart at 9:45am. (Exit SH1 at exit 434 Tecoma St)
* Wear comfortable walking shoes, sun protection
* Bring a light carry bag, water bottle, picnic food/drink to share, own reusable picnic plate, utensils, cup

Note: Partake in shared lunch or byo. (Richoux Patisserie has very good vegan pies for those needing to grab something last minute:)

Need transport? Text Justine: 021819169

Earth Day April 22nd

Unite For Climate Action is calling all Tāmaki Makaurau Earth Warriors!

We are inviting you to Aotea Square on Earth Day, April 22 2022 to connect, share stories, and come together to honour our shared kaupapa: The Earth.

Extinction Rebellion Tamaki Makaurau is still planning but we will need:

·       People on the info table for rebellious korero, encouraging:

o   koha for car stickers & badges,

o   taking names and discussing commitment to join us in effective action.

We invite REBELS to bring tree saplings to assist Council to reforest the city.

More details next newsletter

Petition to treat the crisis like a crisis!

Nearly ready for collecting signatures. Get ready to help. We need 1000s of signatures.

To be launched at Earth Day, this petition is to the Prime Minister requesting that there be fortnightly press conferences for the climate crisis.

Get your car sticker now

We have a variety of car stickers around the message ZERO EMISSIONS 2025

Thanks to Dan & Pete for getting these made.

We will have these available on Saturday and other actions.

Urban Guerilla Food Forest

Join Isaac with surreptiously adding Fruit Trees and more to the urban street scape. Address rewilding of the city and food security. Big issues as we go further into the climate crisis. Text Isaac on 021 135 4333

Can you help? YES! Follow your interest and skills:

Planning meetings are the 2nd & 4th Mondays, 6.30pm alternate Zoom or at Friends House, 113 Mt Eden Rd. Expect to walk away with a commitment and support to make the action you think is necessary!

Fashion Rebellion:

Fashion rebellion is happening with the Up Cycle collective.  To join email Lucy-Mae lucymaesparkle@hotamil.com

Red Rebels:

A fabulous group of Red Rebels is established. Do you enjoy a little drama? Want to be part of street theatre? This maybe your place in the Rebellion.

Please watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hGPv0wALfWw If this is you, please text Margaret 0224743073.

Can’t join actions?

Help the Rebellion through social media, join Zoom meetings, helping petitions, open letters and more.

Every campaign needs finance. Please make a donation through Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00

A huge thanks to everyone who has made a donation. Your contributions are making a big difference.

Me oho ake, me mātike,

me kakama ki te kōrerorero ki te mahi i te mahi e tika ana hoki.

We need to be attentive, on our feet,

and enthusiastic to discuss the work that is required.

Looking forward to seeing some of you on Saturday

At Earth Day April 22nd

And ongoing, as together we Rebel for Life

Getting the political will to take the necessary action for

Zero Emissions 2025: 1.5 degrees