XR is supporting a big action planned for tomorrow by Fridays For Future Tamaki Makaurau for the international FFF DAY.

LET’S MAKE IT 1000’S ….. COVID RESTRICTIONS OUTSIDE ARE OFF FROM MIDNIGHT SO A FEW HOURS EARLY WON’T HURT FOR THE BEST CAUSE!                 https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10159971309306719&set=gm.1000924430806528

    See you there!

   Don’t forget your                   green…….

Introduction to XR talks will be held in Auckland’s ECOFEST week.

Central Ecofest talk was at GHub last night…. I hope you all enjoyed it!

NEXT ONE IS:      Wednesday March 30 7PM at Glen Eden Library

AND THEN:          Wednesday April 7PM, 6 Crossroads Lounge Mary Thomas Centre Takapuna

Follow our Facebook page for reminders https://www.facebook.com/groups/xrauckland

Planning meetings for Tamaki Makaurau Auckland

2nd & 4th Mondays of each month.

Next one is is 28 March 6.30pm at Friends House, 113 Mt Eden Rd. If you would like to chat about coming txt Gill 021869677 Join us and help make an action happen!


April 9 Huntly Picnic and Leafletting. This is a great opportunuity to meet the XR community for a bit of an outdoor get together with a keep global temperatures to 1.5 deg theme. Contact Justine fpr more info and transport plans. justinecockle@gmail.com 021819169

THIS IS GOING TO BE HUGE! so don’t miss out! Tell all your friends to come and help us get some action on the real climate emergency. There will be many climate groups collaborating and believe me it will be newsworthy!


If you can’t make it ….Your  donation is always welcome  Kiwibank 38-9022-0356965-00