Open Letter to Jacinda Ardern
Tell the Global Climate Conference: “This is a Climate Emergency! Go Hard & Go Early!”
Extinction Rebellion is challenging Jacinda Ardern to use the global platform of COP26 to commit to urgent, effective measures for Aotearoa – and inspire others to do the same.
Measures like:
- Stopping fossil fuel use to reduce carbon emissions to net zero by 2025
- Planning for Aotearoa to ‘power down’ and consume less.
- Repairing and protecting the land, water and wild areas.
- Reshaping the economy to meet people’s needs.
- Going beyond the vested interests and setting up a Te Tiriti based climate assembly that ensures equity between Tangata Whenua and Tangata Te Tiriti.
Even if Jacinda does not rise to this opportunity, we hope the Open Letter contributes to building the movement of people and organisations wanting urgent, decisive action – on the climate crisis, on the damage to our land and rivers and, not least, on the inequality and human suffering resulting from our GDP-obsessed economic system.
We invite you to sign and share this Open Letter widely. Deadline for signing is Friday 22 Oct.
The Open Letter is on Facebook here.
We plan to present it to Jacinda in late October, just before the COP26. We hope to discuss the Letter with Jacinda informally beforehand, inviting her to make a public statement on climate action for Aotearoa.
Donations can be made to account no. 38-9020-0229612-00, name Christchurch Climate Media Outreach.
If we have sufficient funds, we may put the letter and signatories as a half-page advert in the Dominion Post, otherwise donations will go to support other Extinction Rebellion actions.
Read more about the thinking behind this letter – the key points that we think are crucial for solving the climate change, biodiversity and inequality crises.
For more info, email Extinction Rebellion at
In love and rage – Brian, Caz, Dot, Edna, Fay, Francis, Jen, Kari, Paul, Robin, Tor, and Valerie
Heartbeat’s on again in real time – this Friday 8 October at 7pm at Room 1, Phillipstown Hub – 39 Nursery Rd, Philipstown.
Bring your drum, your singing voice, snacky stuff – or just your good self, and we’ll have a good catchup of all the many things that have been happening and are shortly going to happen.
This Sunday 20 or so XRŌ supporters are gathering for a workshop with Suzanne Menzies-Culling, an experienced tauiwi facilitator from Ōtepoti.
The workshop is happening this Sunday 10 October from 9.30am to 4.30pm at the lovely Hornby Community Centre.
We still have a couple of spaces left – please fill in this registration form to secure a place. Reply to this email if you need more info.
This is a good safe opportunity especially for those of us who are tauiwi to explore how the centuries of colonization affected our own heritage and families as well as those of tangata whenua of Aotearoa. It’s also a nice opportunity to get to know one another better.
In love and rage
Torfrida, Rachel and Dave for XR Ōtautahi Christchurch
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07
This is more than a Jacinda Moment but I strongly support this petition to our current Prime Minister. As a geologist I believe our climate action until 2025 will impact the next million years of life on our beautiful topsy-turvey planet. I have given the Reference to my donation as “Comms” to use in public advocacy for the “Go hard, go early” campaign in these critical weeks for Āotearoa/NZ. It blows my mind to compare the impact of our Anthropocene generation over geological time. So please use my donation well. Thanks to the Kāpiti Climate Action Group who sent out this “Jacinda Moment” petition.
Kia kaha
Kia ora
Kia Manawānui
Ngā mihi nui to all CATS (Citizen Assemblies for Transition and Security)
Bloody predictive text – moderators can you please correct my mistakes, and edit or shorten as you wish to improve my comms impact
The word is Anthropocene of course.
My closing mihi should read
“Kia manawānui” – not “Manawatu”!