Western Sahara port protest – now TUES 3 AUG!
The Western Sahara phosphate shipment protest is now happening NEXT TUESDAY 3 AUGUST, same time 3.30pm, same place Fisherman’s Wharf. Blame the delay on Ravensdown who are trying to avoid us as usual! Keep watching the Facebook event for any further updates.
Pūtiki – support the Waiheke protest against the marina
The protest is building against this marina on Waiheke! “We are standing up to protect our moana. Whakahaumarutia tō tātou moana – protecting our oceans. Mana whenua, tangata whenua and many Waiheke Locals do not consent to the privatisation and taking of an entire bay which is a taonga to us.”
Protection of the commons from private ownership and control is important to all of us, tauiwi as well as tangata whenua, as we move deeper into climate and ecosystem crisis. We cannot afford to perpetuate business as usual, whenua and moana must be protected and tangata whenua are at the forefront of that protection – let’s support them.
Can’t be there? Waiheke is so far way for most of us! But the GiveALittle page is right here! Send them the $$ they need for legal fees, transport, the practicalities of occupation… and let them know we stand with them. Facebook page for Pūtiki.
Spring Rebellion – firming up
The Facebook event is up and the dates are Sat 25 – Thurs 30 September in Te Whanganui a Tara/Wellington.
“If you have ideas for actions or activities, resources, skills…anything at all you would like to share please complete this very brief survey. Book your time off and get your thinking caps on. We are all XR Aotearoa Whānau.”
XR Ōtautahi rebels are considering taking the water & nitrates fight to Pōneke/Welly, as part of our demand that the government Act Now! Mahia te mahi! Listen to the people not the vested interests! Protect mana whenua, the land and the water! Join us!
Walking and talking, walking the talk…
Rebecca is planning to walk from Ōtautahi to the Spring Rebellion, starting Friday 10 September. She hopes to talk with many people in the communities she passes through, and we plan to give her a good send-off. Watch this space! If you’d like to be actively involved in supporting her, contact us to join the messenger thread.
Decolonisation training filling up fast – get in quick!
Day workshop run by tauiwi educator Suzanne Menzies-Culling
- Sunday 22 August, 9am – 5pm (times to be confirmed)
- WEA (venue to be confirmed)
- Cost: sliding scale $10 unwaged/low waged to $25 high income
- Registration – please fill in this form (even if you’ve already signaled you are interested). Places are limited and interest is hot so first in first served. Those who’ve already signaled interest are at the top of the queue!
Water and nitrates – bailing up our local MPs
We’re putting together resources on nitrate/water to discuss with our local Labour MPs.
We’ve set up a general Water/Nitrate Campaign planning thread on messenger that also connects XRŌ with water activists (was formerly the Water Rally thread).
Want to be part of this? The more people bailing up their local MP, the better. Contact Torfrida torfridaw@outlook.com 021 107 3937
Spreading the XR message – talks, stalls, actions
The Talk group has developed some great resources for telling people about the climate/eco crisis and how Extinction Rebellion works. We’re now planning talks for groups and organisations, stalls at markets and spring events etc.
Would you like to join us? Lots for everyone to do – designing fliers and displays, networking with groups, social media publicising, making warm drinks/cake for stall minders, wearing masks, arguing climate science, singing…
Hey XR Ōtepoti/Dunedin have got a fortnightly Access Radio programme going! Anyone keen to drive such a thing here? Reckon we could easily get content and people to speak/be interviewed each fortnight so long as 1 or 2 people coordinated the programme.
Let us know by return email.
Consider – YOU are XR
There is no particularly organised group doing all the stuff described in this newsletter.
XRŌ leaps into life again and again as individuals connect with one another and decide to take action together.
This marvellous, enlivening, healing process has been happening since late 2018. Come be part of it.
Grab a couple of mates, plan some action and do it!
We’ll be right there to help & support you!
Heartbeat – Friday 13 August, 7pm – 9pm at venue TBC. Held on 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, Heartbeat is where you can meet up with other rebels, find out what’s happening and get involved. All welcome! The Facebook event will be here, once the venue is confirmed.
Christchurch City Council vigil – every Friday 12 noon – 1pm on the Worcester St side of CCC building. Meet other rebels, plan potential CCC actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
ECan vigil – every Thursday 12.30 – 1.30pm outside ECan, 200 Tuam St, Otautahi. Meet other rebels, plan potential ECan actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
Singing for our Lives – activist choir meeting monthly. Next rehearsal Saturday 7 August 2pm to 4pm, Phillipstown Community Hub, 39 Nursery Rd. New members welcome – contact Valerie valerie@bodyvoicealive.nz, 027 568 5515. Follow us on Facebook. Become an XRŌ Song Carrier!
In love and rage
Torfrida, Rachel and Dave for XR Ōtautahi Christchurch
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07