The continuing fight for Clean Water & Democracy…
Several hundred people gathered outside ECan to protest renewal of consents for the huge irrigation schemes in mid Canterbury. ECan Council came out to hear the speeches – see Mahi Pai Media’s videos of Peter Richardson – AWA, Siana Fitzjohn – XRŌ and Nicky Snoyinck – Forest & Bird.
Our demands of ECan and the government are:
- The laws that allowed the public to be excluded from the MHV consent process be changed immediately.
- Prioritise Te Mana o te Wai principles in decision making. One principle being ‘The responsibility of those with authority for making decisions about freshwater to do so in a way that prioritises the health and well-being of freshwater now and into the future.’
- Align your leadership with Environment Canterbury’s mandate ‘To protect the ecosystems of Canterbury’.
In today’s news…
Radio NZ reports that new research shows a strong link between nitrate in drinking water and babies being born underweight or prematurely. Chances of a premature birth increased by 47% when nitrates in drinking water were just 5 milligrams per litre of water – this is less than half NZ’s allowable level of 11mg/litre!
We may have elected a more environment-friendly council but ECan’s management appear to remain fixed on Business As Usual. Newsroom reports ECan has approved a more than 70% expansion in the irrigated area on a controversial Canterbury farm at Kaitorete Spit, against ecological advice and despite opposition from the Department of Conservation.
WHAT YOU CAN DO – tell our elected ECan councillors what you think!
Chair Jenny Hughey and most of the councillors welcome public input – public pressure from us makes it easier for the Council to tackle management and to put pressure central government.
- Email/phone the councillors – find their details here.
- Ring up ECan office and ask to speak in the public slot at the start of every monthly Council meeting. Contact XRŌ if you’d like some moral support! – reply on this email or drop in to our weekly vigil outside ECan – Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm.
This is OUR elected regional council! Let’s take it back from the vested interests!
Now for something more jolly…!
Ngā Reo o te Ao Mārama: Voices of the Earth
In this evening of song, music, film and poetry we‘ll fall in love with earth all over again, connect with challenges we face, and be re-inspired to respond in caring actions for a liveable world.
Performers include: XRŌ’s very own Singing for our Lives choir and poet Erik Kennedy, plus Women in Harmony, Global Voices, Lisa Tui, Lucy Gray, Myro McKee, Kathleen Gallagher, Geoff Low and Nicole Reddington.
- When – this Saturday 29 May, 7pm – 9pm
- Where – Aldersgate / Durham Street Methodist Church, 309 Durham St North
- Koha for an eco restoration project appreciated.
- Facebook event here.
XR in Ōtautahi, as around Aotearoa, is a largely tauiwi and white movement. Many of us are committed to educating ourselves on the impact colonisation has had on us all, and working to address the injustices. Part of that involves hearing from mana whenua on how to be good allies. Here are 2 opportunities coming up for that, one XR but not local, one non-XR but local.
Te TAIAPA: Allies in Aotearoa
A webinar discussion with Jef Murupaenga-Ikenn of Te Waka Hourua/Extinction Rebellion.
- When – Sunday 30 May, 6pm
- Where – online at
- Facebook event here.
LinC 2021: Fulfilling the role of Tangata Tiriti – Being a Good Treaty Partner
We’ll hear from Mana Whenua, with keynote Speaker Kaharoa Manihera – Senior Advisor – Ngai Tahu & Maori Relationships at Christchurch City Council
- When – Wednesday 2 June 6pm – 8pm
- Where – Tūranga library, TSB Space, Level 1, 60 Cathedral Square, Christchurch
- Free tickets here
THE XR TALK RETURNS! – Friday 4 June 7-9pm at WEA
The Talk was our public point of entry to XR until covid struck. Now we’re bringing it back in a new format with a focus on helping newbies find the activity that fits their passion.
The first session on Friday 4 June will be a try-out and we’d love feedback from old rebel hands as well as newbies. Contact Rebecca 021 2966 045 if you’d like to get involved in the Talk, taking the Talk to other groups, and/or helping devise ways for orienting newbies to XR.
Heartbeat – Friday 28 May, 7pm – 9pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St. Held on 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, Heartbeat is where you can meet up with other rebels, find out what’s happening and get involved. All welcome! Facebook event here.
Christchurch City Council vigil – every Friday 12 noon – 1pm on the Worcester St side of CCC building. Meet other rebels, plan potential CCC actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
ECan vigil – every Thursday 12.30 – 1.30pm outside ECan, 200 Tuam St, Otautahi. Meet other rebels, plan potential ECan actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
Singing for our Lives – activist choir meeting monthly. Next rehearsal Saturday 12 June 2pm to 4pm, Phillipstown Community Hub, 39 Nursery Rd. New members welcome – contact Valerie, 027 568 5515. Follow us on Facebook. Become an XRŌ Song Carrier!
In love and rage
Torfrida, Rachel and Dave for XR Ōtautahi Christchurch
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07