XRŌ Newsletter 26 April
ECan, we need clean water and clean process!
ECan, via its independent commissioner, has rolled over the resource consent of the huge Mayfield/Hinds/Valetta (MHV) irrigation scheme for 10 more years. This allows farmers in that scheme to continue to discharge nitrates to ground water at current rates, but requires improvement over time. The commissioner refused MHV’s request to expand its scheme. Details of the decision on ECan’s website here.
Two more equally huge irrigation schemes in Central Canterbury are seeking renewal of similar consents.
In 2010 the Key government sacked the elected ECan council and appointed a Commissioner to be able to ram through these massive irrigation schemes against strong public opposition.
Now these consents are being rolled under the old RMA rules, with still no provision for public notification or feedback. ECan itself says ”In situations where notification is specifically precluded (as was the case when the notification decision on these applications was made), we are unable to notify the application on the basis of adverse environmental effects”
Meanwhile ECan has drafted a good Long Term Plan, and Labour’s Environment Minster, David Parker, has released a National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management and signaled major changes to the Resource Management Act to protect the environment.
But none of this worthy stuff will take effect for years.
And ECan’s track record on enforcing existing regulation is weak – think Coalgate mine discharge to water.
Both Ecan and the Labour government declared a climate emergency.
So why let this destructive Business As Usual carry on for another 10 years?! Without any public input?!
We demand clean water and clean democratic process!
What you can do –
Find out more
- Water activist Angus Robson alerted Canterbury public to the fact that these consents are being rolled. And here.
- Public meeting at Aurora Centre, with Aotearoa Water Action, Forest & Bird, NZ Federation of Freshwater Anglers and XRŌ – Stuff coverage, livestream video (on AWA Facebook page), and video of Siana speaking for XRŌ. Peter Trolove of Freshwater Anglers (55 mins in on livestream) spoke powerfully of how insects and fish cannot survive these nitrate levels and how Canterbury rivers have simply died over the past decades.
- Newsroom backgrounder on the consent complexities, pre-decision
- Newsroom backgrounder (April 2020) on state of NZ’s freshwater
- Alison Dewes talk at Sept 2020 roadshow on winter grazing/nitrates issue – on how farming can change
Join in the actions coming up
ECan’s Long term Plan hearings – this week & next
These hearings are on SOON! Tuesday 27th April (afternoon), Wednesday 28th April & Tuesday 4 May.
Held at ECan, 200 Tuam St, opp Bus Exchange, and open to the public.
- If you’ve asked to speak to your submission, you’re welcome to contact Sara for support 021 121 8856
- If not speaking, come along in the audience with your placard and/or cow mask/costume
Water Rally Thursday 13 May 10am – 4ish at ECan, 200 Tuam St
A big joint rally with AWA, Forest & Bird and the many other groups & organisations who care for our water.
May 13 is ECan council meeting day and they will probably discuss the MHV decision. It is open to the public.
Action details still being sorted but probably a big rally outside ECan (maybe starting in the Square), and some may want to be in the audience of the council meeting. For more details – watch this space & XRŌ’s facebook events page.
Painting & mask-making session – Sunday 2 May 11am-3ish at Barbara & Tim’s in Woolston
It’s time to start painting your banners and placards and making cow masks and costumes.
Clean water, clean process! Act like it’s an emergency cos it is! TOO MANY COWS!!
We’ll have ideas and templates for cow masks etc. Contact Barbara 022 0976 739 if you are coming
Thursday 13 May – if you’d like to join our singing crew at the Water Rally, contact Valerie 021 295 3979.
Saturday 29 May 7-9pm – come along to hear SFOL at Aldesgate, 309 Durham St! Also still time to join in – rehearsals are on 1st, 22nd and 29th May at Phillipstown Hub – contact Valerie 021 295 3979. All welcome!
Non Violent Communications with Valerie Wyckoff & Jim Lovell-Smith
2-hour taster Monday 17 May 7-9pm at WEA
Two-day weekend workshop – probably 19-20 June
More info Valerie 021 295 3979, and watch this space & XRŌ’s facebook events page
Decolonisation training – we’ll be asking Suzanne Menzies Culling to run her excellent day workshop. Details to come – watch this space & XRŌ’s facebook events page.
Deep Ecology/Regenerative Retreat – following a very successful recent workshop in Otepoti, theres enthusiasm for a similar workshop here – watch this space & XRŌ’s facebook events page
Rebel Sisterhood – zooms nationally last Thursday of the month. Contact Torfrida 021 107 3937 if you’d like to know more. A support group for the sisters…
The Talk was our public point of entry to XR until covid struck. Now it’s coming back in a swept-up new format, with a focus on helping newbies find the activity that fits their passion.
Trial run at Heartbeat on Fri 28 May. Contact Rebecca 021 2966 045 if you’d like to get involved in the Talk, taking the Talk to other groups, and/or helping devise ways for orienting newbies to XR.
National XR Action – a 4-day action in Te Whanganui a Tara is being planned for springtime
Otepoti Climate Camp – is also being planned for springtime
To find out more, come along to talk to us at a Friday Heartbeat, or Action circle Wednesday or a CCC/Ecan vigil. NB those moonlighting for Thompson & Clarke will be asked to work as double-agents.
Heartbeat – Friday 14 May, 7pm – 9pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St. Held on 2nd and 4th Friday of each month, Heartbeat is where you can meet up with other rebels, find out what’s happening and get involved. All welcome! Facebook event.
Christchurch City Council vigil – every Friday 10.30 – 2pm on the Gloucester St side of CCC building. Meet other rebels, plan potential CCC actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
ECan vigil – every Thursday 12.30 – 1.30pm outside ECan, 200 Tuam St, Otautahi. Meet other rebels, plan potential ECan actions, talk to passing councillors, staff & public. Contact David G (027 222 5701) if you’d like to get his text reminders.
Action circle – meets Wednesday nights, open to anyone who’s been on an XRŌ action – contact Michael for more info – 021 0264 7594.
Singing for our Lives – activist choir meeting monthly. Next rehearsal Saturday 1 May 2pm to 4pm, Phillipstown Community Hub, 39 Nursery Rd. New members welcome – contact Valerie valerie@bodyvoicealive.nz, 027 568 5515.
We are rehearsing for an event on Saturday night 29 May – more info at this link.
Follow us on Facebook. Become an XRŌ Song Carrier!
In love and rage
Torfrida, Rachel and Dave for XR Ōtautahi Christchurch
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07