Join us to oppose new airports!

This Thursday 28 January at the regular CCC meeting, councillors will decide on the content of their Letter of Expectation to Christchurch City Holdings Ltd (CCHL). CCHL is the majority shareholder in Christchurch International Airport Ltd (CIAL). In true neoliberal fashion we, the public, have very little influence over the actions of the publicly owned CIAL. The councillors’ decision will be made in a public-excluded meeting on Thursday afternoon, but XRŌ will show its disapproval at this antidemocratic process at the public meeting on Thursday morning.

To join this action be at the CCC Worcester St entrance at 9.15am and dress in black. Keep an eye on the Facebook event for late breaking details:

Greenwashing of Tarras airport is turning up on Facebook. Push back against it if you have the chance.

‘The Planet is our Valentine’ – Climate Activist Speed dating

On 1 February the Climate Change Commission will be releasing a draft of their “first package of advice to the Government on the actions it must take to reach net-zero by 2050, and ensure a transition to a low-emissions, climate resilient and thriving Aotearoa.” They will then consult with the public on this draft up until 14 March.

On Sunday 14 February, XRŌ is inviting representatives from all climate-interested groups to a hui at the WEA, to connect and collaborate, and discuss a common response to the Climate Change Commissions draft. This will also provide the opportunity for personal connections to support upcoming actions from any of the groups.

The meeting is likely to run from 11am to 3pm and will include a shared lunch. If your organisation would like to come along or you can offer help to organise this meeting, please contact Ben on

Keep an eye on the XRŌ Facebook events page for up to the minute details.

Weekly Vigils – holding local councils to account

The year before last, both the Canterbury Regional and Christchurch City Councils declared a climate emergency and XRŌ intends to hold them to these declarations. Building a new airport at Tarras and extending a coal mine at Coalgate is not consistent with emergency action on climate change. With Bathurst Coal Ltd’s resource consent application now turned over to an expert panel and CCC meeting this week to discuss Tarras airport, it is time to step up the pressure.

CCC – weekly vigils outside the CCC offices continue with David G outside the Worcester St entrance to the CCC every Friday from 9.30am to 2.30pm and welcoming other supporters at any time during that period. He has been getting lots of smiles and waves and thumbs up from staff members and passers-by. If you’d like to get a weekly text reminder of the CCC vigil, contact David on 027 222 5701.

ECan – from last Friday, XRŌ members have also gathered outside the ECan offices at 200 Tuam St between noon and 1pm. A senior staff member came out to engage with us, which was encouraging. However actions speak louder than words and XRŌ won’t be fobbed off. Please come along and join us each Friday lunchtime. If you’d like to get a weekly text reminder of the ECan vigil, contact Torfrida on 021 107 3937.

The Talk – Restarting Friday 5 March

On the first Friday in March, The Talk will resume at the WEA. The format will be different with several presenters talking through a summary of the climate & eco crisis and XR’s response to it. The Talk is a way to reach out to the public about XR and a good way for newcomers to find out how XR works and what activities they may like to explore. Keep an eye on the XRŌ Facebook events page for details as plans firm up.

Decolonisation Tauiwi Group

Thirty minutes before Heartbeat has proven to be too short and too frequent for meaningful progress on this weighty kaupapa. Jacinta has proposed a weekend afternoon gathering of 2-3 hours occurring every 1-2 months. More details will be coming soon. Contact Jacinta 021 046 9982 if you’d like to be kept in touch with this.

Keep Our Assets

Dot talked about KOA, a local group focussed on keeping City Council assets from being privatised. KOA recognise that climate is an asset, as is fresh water. KOA pushes for free buses and has had success with government recently repealing the legislation requiring competitive tendering for bus routes among profit-making companies.

As XRŌ gets deeper into specific campaigns like Tarras, we are understanding better how the neoliberal economic and decision-making system works, and the erosion of public ownership and control of collective infrastructure (airports) and services (buses) that has happened over recent decades. Increasingly XRŌ is becoming aware of our common cause with groups such as KOA.

Contact Dot 021 073 2114 for more information.


Next Heartbeat is on Friday 12 February, 7pm at WEA.

Friday evenings are climate evenings at the WEA – here’s the monthly schedule:

  • 1st Friday of the month (starting in March): XR presents The Talk, aimed at people new to XR.
  • 2nd Friday of the month: XR Heartbeat – an update on XRŌs various activities
  • 3rd Friday of the month: 350 Christchurch’s film + discussion evening on eco/climate topics. Check 350 Chch Facebook page for details and updates
  • 4th Friday of the month: XR Heartbeat – another update session
  • 5th Friday of the month: XR doesn’t meet – but check Facebook just in case!

Action circle

This meets most Wednesday evenings at WEA and is open to people who have been involved in actions. Contact any of those who’ve coordinated XRŌ actions for more info.

In love and rage
Torfrida, Rachel and Dave for XR Ōtautahi Christchurch

Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07