Kia ora,
Rebels in Auckland are gearing up for an action against Genesis Energy on Friday 20 November and an action against Ravensdown fertiliser on Monday 16 November. See below for details & to get involved.
We’re also looking forward to the national Hui at the end of November. Hui has a focus on Raising Indigenous Voices, so if you’re interested, please check out the details below.
We are also looking for someone to take over writing the newsletter, so please get in touch at or via MatterMost if you’re interested. The newsletter goes out on the second and fourth Monday of each month – it doesn’t take a huge amount of time and it would be an awesome contribution to XR TMA.
What’s coming up
All regular events and meetings are listed here and on Facebook.
Auckland Action Working Group
Thursday 10 November, 6:30pm
For details on meeting place and future dates, email or check Facebook or MatterMost.
Ravensdown Action
Monday 16 November.
Ravensdown and Balance fertiliser is derived from gas, a fossil fuel, and ‘Blood phosphates’ taken from Western Sahara under military occupation. When used the fertiliser emits nitrous oxide which is a greenhouse gas 400 times worse than carbon dioxide. For decades Ravensdown and Balance fertilisers have propped up industrial agriculture in this country, which contributes half of all our emissions, mostly as methane which while short-lived is over 80 times worse than carbon dioxide. Together fertiliser and industrial farming are also causing massive damage to our soils and waterways, killing off native fish and kaimoana.
Facebook event here. Email or message on Facebook or Mattermost for more details.
We are looking for people to help with some preparation for this:
- Someone to put an existing rough design for the placards onto the computer so it can be projected onto a placard for painting or to do a new design for the placards.
- Someone to organise painting placards for the action at Greenpeace, and several people to help with the painting next week.
- Alternatively, an artistic person could paint the signs freehand if they are confident.
- Painting will take place at Helen’s house on Western Springs Road, contact her on 02040368325 to arrange times. A rough design will be there. Equipment and materials are already there, but we can also reimburse you for Resene test pots in poison green, black, bright leaf/emerald green, bright blue, medium mud brown.
- Someone to make Red Rebel Robes – instructions and background. For this we also need red long-sleeved t-shirts and leggings and red fabric. If anyone has any extra lying around or knows where we could get excess fabric, for example, from an importer, please reach out.
Action against Genesis Energy
Friday 20 November, 3-5pm, 155 Fanshawe St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010
This is an action to bring attention to Genesis’s refusal to stop generating electricity from coal mined at Huntly Coal mine. There will be options for red, orange, and green participation. See the Facebook event here for more details.
Extinction Rebellion 2nd National Hui: Raising Indigenous Voices
4pm November 27 – 12pm Monday November 30, Te Awhina Marae, Motueka.
Plan ahead for 2021 with other Rebels from around Aotearoa New Zealand. The focus of this Hui is ‘Raising Indigenous Voices.’ For more information message us on Facebook or email ( Emails will be going out very shortly to register.
Can I Help (of course you can!)
- Sign up to our newsletter to find out about the latest actions.
- Join our global communication platform, Mattermost. Here’s how
- Mattermost Video Tutorial. 10 minutes of absolutely stimulating content. Video here
- If you earn the living wage, please donate an hour’s wage a month: 38-9020-0397608-00. Your money goes directly toward civil disobedient ends…
From your friendly local rebels,
Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland |