Kia ora,

We hope everyone had a refreshing Labour Weekend!

Rebels in Auckland are gearing up for an action against Genesis Energy next month (details below).

We’re also looking forward to the national Hui at the end of November. Hui has a focus on Raising Indigenous Voices, so if you’re interested, please check out the details below.

What’s coming up

All regular events and meetings are listed here and on Facebook.

Auckland Action Working Group

Thursday 29 October, 6:30pm

For details on meeting place and future dates, email or check Facebook or MatterMost.

Action against Genesis Energy

Friday 20 November, 3-5pm, 155 Fanshawe St, Auckland Central, Auckland 1010

This is an action to bring attention to Genesis’s refusal to stop generating electricity from coal mined at Huntly Coal mine. There will be options for red, orange, and green participation. See the Facebook event here for more details.

Extinction Rebellion National Hui

November 27-30, Earth Hub and Tahunanui Camp, Nelson.

Plan ahead for 2021 with other Rebels from around Aotearoa New Zealand. The focus of this Hui is ‘Raising Indigenous Voices.’ For more information message us on Facebook or email (

Can I Help (of course you can!)

  1. Sign up to our newsletter to find out about the latest actions.
  2. Join our global communication platform, Mattermost. Here’s how
  3. Mattermost Video Tutorial. 10 minutes of absolutely stimulating content. Video here
  4. If you earn the living wage, please donate an hour’s wage a month: 38-9020-0397608-00. Your money goes directly toward civil disobedient ends…

From your friendly local rebels,


Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland |