Busy Bees at CCC
There was a distinct buzz at CCC Annual Plan Hearing on Friday morning as Torfrida and a team of XRŌ bees made a submission opposing CCC’s proposal to go back to using glyphosate (Roundup) for spraying its weedy verges and reserves, in order to save money. The action, with bees ‘dying’ on cue in front of councillors was picked up by TVNZ and Stuff.
There is still time to make a written submission today, before submissions close today (Monday 29 Jun), at 5pm. Generation Zero have created a form to make it easy to do so. They note that the proposed plan ignores climate change completely, with the phrase ‘climate change’ not appearing once in it. Or you can submit here directly to the council.
Successful protest action at Lyttelton Port Company against Ravensdown imports of ‘blood phosphate’
On Tuesday afternoon, Free Western Sahara Solidarity Aotearoa had a successful protest action against Ravensdown to coincide with the arrival of the Trans Spring vessel into Lyttelton Port. The Trans Spring is carrying thousands of tonnes of stolen ‘blood phosphate’ from the occupied territory of Western Sahara.
A group of concerned local citizens, including those from XR Ōtautahi, gathered to peacefully protest and register their discontent with Ravensdown funding human rights violations in the occupied territory of Western Sahara. The protestors blockaded trucks carrying the stolen ‘blood phosphate’, rebranding the vehicles with signs that said “Stolen Goods”. The police helped facilitate this action by supporting the protestors in stopping the trucks safely.
Further actions included local activists in Dunedin blockading Ravensdown factory for most of the day, and the Rail and Maritime Union (RMTU) delivered a letter of protest to the Captain of the Trans Spring, condemning Morocco’s illegal occupation of Western Sahara and calling on the New Zealand Government to halt all importation of phosphate from the area. Last week the representatives for Western Sahara started an action in the High Court taking the Guardians of the New Zealand Super Fund to court, calling for a judicial review of its investments in businesses with links to Western Sahara’s exploited resources.
UPCOMING ACTION – Fonterra Funds Coal Mines!
We’re going to make a scene and we need you to be there on Thursday July 9 at 8am (location yet to be announced) with cow costumes on.
Fonterra burns coal in their milk dehydrators – a lot of it. Ninety percent of the coal from Canterbury coal mine goes to the dairy industry, and now Bathurst are applying to expand the mine. This will have devastating consequences for the local ecosystems, fragile streams and endangered mudfish, not to mention contributing to the climate crisis.
Fonterra have promised to move away from coal, yet they are funding the continuation and expansion of the Canterbury coal mine. The income from the dairy industry also allows Bathurst to fund bigger coal mining projects in wild and fragile areas of the West Coast like Buller Plateau and Denniston.
It’s time Fonterra lived up to their promises to get off coal. And it’s time everyone knew that Fonterra is funding coal mines in Aotearoa. Save the date and stay tuned for more details.
Facebook event here.
E tū: Vigil at Parliament Project
David Goldsmith is asking for support this week and we are firmly committed to supporting him. David is struggling to keep up with the work required to network and plan for the E Tu: Vigil at Parliament project. If anyone feels moved to offer practical support, the following would be helpful this week:
- Occasionally providing simple vegetarian meals (no mushroom and no garlic) would be very helpful. Rachel Puentener is coordinating meal support both this week and the following 4 weeks for David’s partner Julie (while David is away). Contact Rachel on 027 5030 458 or puentenerr@gmail.com
- If anyone is interested in spending time with David and Julie’s delightful 4-year-old daughter Hana, then Wednesday this week would be an opportunity for that. This would be based at David and Julie’s home at 77 Clarendon Tce. Please contact David on 027 222 5701 or davidgoldsmith68@gmail.com for Wednesday this week or Rachel (above) if offering childcare support in the following 4 weeks.
WIN – Climate Change Considerations Inserted Into RMA
Last week, changes to the Resource Management Act (RMA) passed into law. This means that consents for large projects can now be declined if they will have significant climate change implications that are inconsistent with the Zero Carbon Act and the Aotearoa New Zealand’s Paris Agreement Obligations. Previously, under the RMA, climate change could not be considered
This is a big win which will now allow local authorities to consider greenhouse gas emissions in their consenting. The changes will come into effect when government has developed national policy guidelines.
Next Heartbeat at WEA on July 10. XR badges will be available with koha