Kia ora Simon,
Fires are #StillBurning in Australia. Help local rebels put Koala’s up around Henderson to promote our upcoming public talk. Join us tonight Tuesday 11 February, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Rua Room, Hub West, 27 Corban Ave, Henderson).
Happy new year!
A very warm welcome to all new rebels joining us this year. This will be a big year for XR Waitākere. We are focused on building our rebel presence in West Auckland and making sure our demands are clearly heard in September’s general election.
General meetings
Tuesday 11 February, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (Rua Room, Hub West, 27 Corban Ave, Henderson).
We are launching into our action-filled 2020 program with our first general meeting tonight. Everyone is welcome! Come along, have a cup of tea with some friendly local rebels from 7:00pm (optional) and help us to make some props for our Koala action from 7:30pm.
Henderson Public Talk
Tuesday 18 February, 7:30 – 9pm (Rua Room, Hub West, 27 Corban Ave, Henderson).
Each month, we will be taking our world-saving message to local communities in a series of workshops. These are a great place to bring new people who are interested in learning more about the climate and ecological crisis and how XR is rising to meet this challenge.
Our new schedule
Every month we’re going to follow the same pattern to make it easy to get involved and make a difference:
- Week 1: Action – We will take to the streets (or beaches) with a focused, local action.
- Week 2: Plan – We get together on the second Tuesday of each month to work and have fun together.
- Week 3: Talk – We take our Earth-Saving message to the people in our public workshop series.
- Week 4: Coordinate – Those who want to get involved in the nitty gritty of planning our Westie rebellion meet for our coordination group on the fourth Tuesday of the month. Contact to get involved.
We are looking for a permanent venue for our regular meetings. If you know of one, let us know.
Get involved
Contact Lucette to volunteer:
We need everyone for this rebellion to succeed. From baking biscuits, to painting banners, to preparing press releases – we need you and your skills. If you would like to get involved, or simply hear more about our plans for the year contact Lucette.
Donations can be made to: Extinction Rebellion Waitakere 38-9022-0009867-00
If you are time poor but would like to contribute, a small, regular donation would greatly support our work. We are all volunteers, so all funds go directly to supporting our work.
With love and rage
Your friendly local rebel,
Sally, Simon and Lucette