XRŌ Newsletter – Time for Action!
So many of us have felt overwhelmed by the unrelenting images of the Australian fires, the stubbornness of climate denialist leaders, and so much more. What else can we do except gather and face it together? Out of that sharing of grief and rage comes new energy and the power to act.
2020 is the year for us all to step up and draw the line. To choose between making history or being history. Join us. Because new life and possibilities lie here too, like eucalypt seeds under the cinders.
There is so much to do, and comfort to be found in doing it, together. Let us count the ways …..
Flotilla to OMV – help stop deep sea oil drilling off Otago!
XRŌ rebels are joining with other climate organizations to gather a flotilla to sail off the coast of Otago to meet OMV’s oil rig in the open ocean – probably 8 February.
We need you! And WE NEED YACHTS capable of sailing in deep water. Ask your aunties, uncles, bosses, grandmas – who is up for an adventure? The drill site is 160km from Port Chalmers. That’s where we’re going. It’s going to be exciting, and it’s going to be hard. We will confront the rig and expose their actions. The voyage will be around 3-4 days. We don’t intend to enter the non-interference zone and do not anticipate criminal charges for skippers and participants. We are looking for people of all ages and backgrounds to join us.
Email us ASAP omvflotilla@protonmail.com if you:
- have a yacht/vessel or know a keen person who has one
- if you would like to be considered to join the flotilla (spaces will depend on the number of boats we can confirm)
- if you would like to help in an organisational role on land or at sea – we need people power!
- the rebellion mostly runs on love, but we sometimes need a bit of money too for gear and supplies etc. If you can donate a bit, please do so here: givealittle.co.nz/cause/
extinction-rebellion . Thanks!
More info at XRŌ facebook event here.
1.5 Degrees Live!
This Wednesday 29 Jan 10.45am – 12noon at Christchurch Art Gallery Te Puna o Waiwhetū, Montreal St
HELP XRŌ SUPPORT THE 1.5 Degrees live reading and get answers to how the Council is ACTING NOW in response to this report.
From Sunday January 26th at 11 am til Feb 1st at 7pm to coincide with the Buskers Festival there is a free public reading of the IPCC report – the most important climate change document of our time which warned us of the dire consequences of ‘business as usual’.
On Wednesday, you are warmly invited to come with your XR paraphernalia to “wave the flags” of XR whilst our mayor Lianne Dalziel reads from the IPCC report.
After her reading we will be seeking an interview and asking her about what she has done following the council’s climate & ecological emergency declaration last year. When will she follow through on her promise of a citizens’ assembly on the climate emergency? How is the stadium building in line with the declaration?
What questions do you have? Bring them along! TOGETHER WE CAN CREATE THE PRESSURE FOR CHANGE.
For more information about the 1.5 degrees Live! Event: https://ecocanterbury.org.nz/
Dylan’s charges are dropped!
Dylan Parker became the first rebel in Aotearoa to be charged during an XR action last year when he placed a stepladder against the balcony of Rydges Hotel to hang a banner opposing the NZ Gas Forum. Just 3 days prior to his hearing, the police have decided to withdraw the charges. We are pleased for Dylan and also heartened that this reflects an increasing global trend that courts are ruling the climate crisis is a reasonable cause for civil disobedience. Scoop story.
Action circle revs up!
Action Circle meets next Tuesday 28 Jan at WEA and then fortnightly on Tuesdays at WEA (weekly nearer to big actions).
- 6.15pm – 7pm – look at all the actions happening, and floating new ones.
- 7pm – 9.30pm – planning for the XR Global Week of Action in May, with out of-town rebels zooming in. (email us if you want to join in the zoom). Christchurch will be the focal point for South island rebels, and Auckland for the North. The exact date in May is still being finalised globally.
Got an idea for an action? Come to the circle early and pitch it. Want to get involved in actions? Come along & get stuck in.
We need: rebels willing to be arrested and rebels to support them as food makers, de-escalators, trailer drivers, media spokespeople, social media mavens, police liaisons, live-streamers and much more. We especially want people to step up, understudy roles and grab responsibility for coordinating stuff – we’ll support you!
Jobs list – we’re putting together a list of jobs we need done, in all areas of XRŌ not just the actions. This will be on Mattermost and also under XRŌ in the Addington Timebank (see below).
Where we are going and how we get there
The XRŌ plan for 2020 – XRŌ Focus and Direction circle is working on targets and priorities for action during 2020 & will present it at Heartbeat on Friday 14 Feb. Check out the draft in Mattermost. You’ll also find the national XR strategy there too – an exciting plan for action in 2020. Next F&D circle meeting is Tuesday 4 Feb at 6.30pm at WEA (bring snacks if you can). Contact Zeb zebetheridge@hotmail.com or just come along, all welcome.
Staveley XRŌ Camp Fri-Sun 6-8th March – MARK THE DATE! A get together with other XRŌ rebels for a weekend of fun, training, regenerative culture, action planning and reflection on how we can make this decentralised, energetic, exhilarating collective endeavour run as smoothly as possible, drawing in and welcoming as many rebels as possible.
We aim to run at minimal cost to those attending. You can help us keep the cost down for XRŌ by joining Addington Timebank, doing jobs for XRŌ (which is also a member) and gifting your hours to XRŌ, so we can pay the Camp with them – as Gen did last year. Find out more here.
Help plan the Camp! Meeting this Wednesday 29 Jan, 6.30pm at 12 Edward Ave, Edgeware. Contact Racquel racqueljwilson@gmail.com or just come along.
Decolonisation work
You are warmly invited to a Te Tiriti workshop facilitated by Cathy Sweet on Saturday 14 March 1pm – 5pm, at Room 6, Phillipstown Hub, 39 Nursery Road. Koha – sliding scale $5- $50 Contact Jacinta jacinta.oreilly@greens.org.nz
This workshop explores our history in order to create a foundation for XR action in Aotearoa. One of the most exciting things to come out of XR’s national day of action was the start of greater dialogue between Māori and tauiwi on working together. Find out how standing as allies to indigenous kaitiaki is a key element of our activism.
Cathy is an experienced Treaty educator and her presentation is grounded in her experience as a community and environmental activist.
Creativity cranks up…
Banner painting and other arty stuff is always needed. Tim’s concentrating on NVDA now – we need someone to step up and coordinate painting sessions at Barbara and Tim’s place in Woolston. Contact Tim trmusson@gmail.com
Screen-printing – bring your t-shirt etc to Heartbeat to use the device that’s stored now at WEA – contact Ben xbenlowe@gmail.com
XR bunting – want to string small XR flags together for a bunting we can use at events? – contact Sarah Sarah.tay.nz@gmail.com
Samba band – we’ll need someone to lead the samba band when Grace leaves to travel soon, and more rebels to commit to learning to samba drum. This is a hugely important part of XR actions! Contact Grace gracestainthorpe@gmail.com
Song carriers – with Marcus and Grace away, we need more people to step up as Song Carriers – to teach us simple songs, lead the songs in actions etc. This is another hugely important part of XR actions. Contact Fay fbrorens@gmail.com
Mask-making – wanna learn how to make animal masks for our actions? Juliet can teach you – neillj@snap.net.nz
Red Rebels – we’ll borrow the Red Rebel cossies from XR Nelson – if you’d like to be part of this crew, we need people into learning how to be silent red mourners as well as sewers, makeup people, leafleters/spokespeople… Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz
Tackling the Media
Do you love media work? Live-streaming, press releases, networking with journos, publicising what we do? Or maybe you’d like to learn how? XRŌ needs more rebels to step up to cover our actions and events as some of our current spokes people will be away soon. If that sounds like you, contact Racquel racqueljwilson@gmail.com
Want to learn how to live-stream an event? Come to next heartbeat Friday 14 Feb, we’re having a workshop on it.
“Tell the Truth, Media!” campaign – several of us have started to work on a strategy to pressure the media to Tell the Truth. If you’d like to join us, come along this Thursday 30 Jan at 7pm at Julie and Axel’s place in central Chch. Contact Julie angulijulie@gmail.com
Spreading the Word
We are merging the Talks and Training circles and moving towards shorter talks that incorporate more workshop sessions and lead more directly to inviting attendees to make an action commitment. We’ll be offering more induction workshops, and a jobs list that makes it easier for newbies to find out what they could get involved in. We’ll be asking rebels to invite us to their group/workplace/friendship group to present a short XR talk/workshop with an invitation to develop their own action/affinity group. If this interests you, contact Racquel through Mattermost or racqueljwilson@gmail.com
Riverside Community Music Festival with XR Motueka – reminder
Sunday 16 February 12 noon – 11pm at Riverside Community, 289 Main Rd, Lower Moutere.
XR Motueka are joining with Riverside Community to provide a day of music and XR. More details on Facebook event.
How to join the Addington Timebank Contact Chrys chrys.horn@xtra.co.nz or Jacqui jacqui@ergostyle.co.nz. Or if you’ve met them, go straight to the Addington Timebank website and hit Join.
“This is not a drill” – a great XR handbook, available from Scorpio Books, USB etc, $27. (Also available as audiobook via Amazon)
Seedling & produce koha swop – you are warmly encouraged to bring your excess garden produce, jams, baking etc to Heartbeat and any other XRŌ gathering, AND/OR to fill your pockets with loose change to drop in the Koha bucket in exchange for these! Yum
Joining Mattermost – we use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and has no paywall. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it dave.evansii@gmail.com
The Talk – the first Friday of the month, next one is Friday 7 February 7.30pm at WEA. See item above on Talks and Training. Let us know if you’d like an XR presentation to your organisation/workplace etc.
350Chch’s monthly discussion/film night is on 3rd Friday of the month at WEA. Next film night is Friday 21 February 7.30pm – check 350chch Facebook events.
Heartbeat – XRŌ’s fortnightly session for updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate, samba band and more… Heartbeat is held on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month. Next one is Friday 14 February 7.30pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St.
Outreach & Lobbying circle – is currently in abeyance while we thrash out strategy for 2020 in the Focus and Direction group. Also a new group looking at a media campaign is just setting up (see above) – this will prob meet Thurs 30 Jan at 7pm at Julie & Axel’s place. Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz
Talks and Trainings – a subcircle is looking at developing shorter talks and trainings – contact Racquel racqueljwilson@gmail.com
Focus & Direction circle – is looking at overall strategy for XRŌ for 2020 and is meeting fortnightly Tuesday 6.30pm at WEA. Next meeting Tuesday 4 February 6.30pm at WEA. All welcome. Check out the XRŌ Focus & Direction channel on Mattermost. Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz
Action circle – now meets Tuesday fortnights 6.15 – 9.30pm at WEA, starting from 28 Jan. Contact Sara C sarasski@hotmail.com
Creative circle – Banners need to be created and painted…. for more details check out the Mattermost channel or contact Tim trmusson@gmail.com. For street theatre and Red Rebels contact Juliet neillj@snap.net.nz or Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz
Regenerative circle – contact Sarah (sarah.tay.nz@gmail.com) if you’d like to be part of this circle which takes care of XRŌers in all sorts of ways from food to conflict resolution and more.
Infrastructure & finance circle – does admin & good potlucks, meets mostly before Heartbeat on 2nd and 4th Fridays, next meeting Friday 14 Feb 6.00pm at WEA. Contact Dave E dave.evansii@gmail.com
In love and rage
Torfrida, Dave and Ali
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07