We Stand With Australia

This Sunday 12 January
3 – 4.30pm,
The Bridge of Remembrance, Cashel Mall
Facebook event here.

Come together to show our support and love for Australia during these catastrophic bush fires. The people of Christchurch know what it is like to live through disasters, and to respond with care and generosity. We will express our solidarity with the people of Australia, and we’ll have a chance to discuss our individual and collective power and responsibility to respond to these fires that are caused by global heating. Let’s allow disaster to bring out the best in us! This is a family friendly event.

Red Rebels Brigade

XR’s very striking and simple line of mourners wowed Wellington onlookers in October as they moved slowly through the streets. We’re planning to have a Red Brigade group in Otautahi – this Sunday if possible. If you’d like to be part of this, email torfrida@snap.net.nz or 021 107 3937 and/or come to heartbeat at the WEA (59 Gloucester St) this Friday for a rehearsal. We plan to do this ongoing so let us know if you are keen!

Here they are pictured in Wellington, in New York on YouTube and in Vancouver on Facebook videos.

Two exciting workshops …

“Rehearsals for Regenerative Activism”

This Saturday 11 Jan, 10.30am – 5pm at 35 Hassals Lane (Seven Oaks), Opawa. Facilitator: Rowan Brooks. Facebook event.

A one-day workshop using theatre games and activities to explore how a regenerative culture can be practiced within climate & ecological justice activism

NB – limited spaces, please send Rowan an email rowanjbrooks@gmail.com to secure a place.

“Climate of Fear and Desire”

Thursday 16 January, evening, time & venue to be confirmed – check here for FB event

An investigation of internal struggles with the climate crisis, overwhelm, paralysis, not knowing what to do. We’ll choose a story that resonates with the group and turn this into a theatrical inquiry of our collective struggles to navigate the relational, emotional complexity of regenerative action. Participation can range from being on stage to in audience, to a bit of both, depending on how people want to engage.

NB – limited spaces, please send Rowan an email rowanjbrooks@gmail.com to secure a place.

These workshops are offered in the spirit of gift, please consider koha for facilitation.

Where to in 2020? – planning XR Ōtautahi’s strategy

Focus & Direction circle is meeting this Tuesday 7 Jan, 6.30pm – 8pm at WEA (59 Gloucester St) (bring snax if you can, don’t worry if can’t, there’ll be enough)

Aim – agree on a focus and direction for 2020 and propose it to XRŌ as a whole.

Some ideas so far:

  • Stronger emphasis on XR’s 3 demands – tell the truth, act now, citizens assembly (CA) – and on central & local govt, and media, as the focus/target
  • Achieve a national declaration of emergency – make this and CA an election focus
  • As well as the big actions, we need more smaller actions to retain new supporters
  • More diverse actions that draw in different sectors and groups
  • Tailor the Talk for specific sectors/groups and get them doing own XR actions
  • Need to make this a MASS movement
  • XR nationally is working on a strategy, not done yet. Good info/debate on Mattermost & national hui planned for later in summer

Meeting notes & discussion on Mattermost’s “XRŌ Focus & Direction” channel. Ask Dave E if you need help with MM – dave.evansii@gmail.com.

Easter 2020 – rebels are sure to rise!

The next big international XR Week of Action will be in April around Easter. In Aotearoa South Island rebels will converge on Ōtautahi/Christchurch for a week of events and actions, while Auckland is the focus for North islanders.

We’re starting to have some exciting ideas for this – come along to heartbeat or join Mattermost to find out more!

Catch the Heartbeat this Friday 10 Jan

Heartbeats are held every 2nd and 4th Friday, 7.30–9.30pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St. All welcome. Heaps of interesting stuff this time including:

  • Time-banking for XRŌ – Chrys & Sandy from Addington Timebank on how XRŌ and XRŌers can use time-banking to share our skills and build the alternative economy.
  • Finalising Sunday’s gathering
  • Red Rebels Brigade try-out of costumes & makeup
  • Proposals for April action – & what’s happening nationally
  • Bring your ideas for smaller/ongoing actions and sharing the XR Talk
  • The Aussy fires – sharing our responses, how do we manage the distress


“This is not a drill” – a great XR handbook, available from Scorpio Books, USB etc, $27.

Seedling & produce koha swop – you are warmly encouraged to bring your excess garden produce, jams, baking etc to Hearbeat and any other XRŌ gathering, AND/OR to fill your pockets with loose change to drop in the Koha bucket in exchange for these! Yum

Joining Mattermost – We use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and has no paywall. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it dave.evansii@gmail.com


The Talk – we’ve been presenting the XR Talk on the first Friday of the month. We’re evaluating this and in 2020 may change to shorter talks to more varied audiences in other venues. Let us know if you’d like an XR presentation to your organisation/workplace etc.

350Chch’s monthly discussion/film night is on 3rd Friday of the month at WEA. Next film night is Friday 17 January – check 350Chch Facebook events.

Heartbeat – XRŌ’s fortnightly session for updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate, samba band and more… Heartbeat is held on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month. Next one is Friday 10 January 7.30pm at WEA, 59 Gloucester St


Outreach & Lobbying circle – meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 5.30 at WEA, 59 Gloucester St, next meeting Thurs 9 January 5.30pm at WEA (to be confirmed) Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz

The Talk – Are you interested in learning how to give the talk? or interested in helping contribute to the research that goes into the talk…contact Racquel racqueljwilson@gmail.com

Focus & Direction circle – see above. Meets fortnightly Tuesday 6.30pm at WEA. Next meeting this Tuesday 7 January.

Action circle – meets Mondays 6.45 – 8.30pm, contact Sara C sarasski@hotmail.com

Creative circle – Banners need to be created and painted, and there is always rock painting too…. for more details check out the Mattermost channel or contact Tim trmusson@gmail.com

Regenerative circle – contact Sarah (sarah.tay.nz@gmail.com) if you’d like to be part of this circle which takes care of XRŌers in all sorts of ways from food to conflict resolution and more.

Infrastructure & finance circle – does admin & good potlucks, meets mostly before Heartbeat on 2nd and 4th Fridays, next meeting Friday 10 Jan 5.30pm at WEA. Contact Dave E dave.evansii@gmail.com

In love and rage
Torfrida and Dave

Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07