It’s December 2019, which means it’s almost 2020. Which means we enter the last decade within which humanity can save itself. Fear not, there is no better time to join your local XR group and strive for a world where all life can thrive.

26 Nov: XR Rebels join oil ship take over

Rebels from across Te Wai Pounamu joined our Greenpeace whanau and disrupted OMV’s oil ship from business as usual.

3 Dec: XR Tauranga Pours “Oil”

Bay of Plenty rebels poured oil on the steps of Simon Bridges’ office, drawing a rebuke from the man himself.

30 Nov: XR Kirikiriroa returns

Our newest branch in Hamilton has risen again with the passion and wit of 6 rebels.

20 Nov: XR Whangarei take a stand

XR Whangarei know what’s up, a climate and ecological emergency. They asked the NRC to tell the truth.

In brief

  • 20 Nov: First rebel to be charged for peaceful protest is Dylan Parker from Christchurch
  • 28 Nov: XR Waitakere visualise where business as usual will take us
  • 16/17 December: 2 day digital hui – to build the foundation of an action strategy for next year (details will be made available on Mattermost)

Get active

XR goes beyond party politics and next year we will insist that every party accept our demands to make Aotearoa a country where all life thrives.

  1. Rummage through our resources and learn the theory behind XR
  2. Want to get more involved ? Join Mattermost, our internal chat platform, and link in with the national group. Email for the access link !
  3. Contact your local group and like and follow us on Facebook.
  4. We can’t change the world without you. Please donate now: 38-9020-0397608-00

Your friendly local rebel


Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand