Extinction Rebellion and Greenpeace occupy OMV’s oil rig support vessel
Lots happening and about to happen!
Evict OMV – GTFO
Austrian oil giant OMV, one of the 100 companies responsible for 70% of worldwide emissions, is about to drill for more new oil off the coast of Aotearoa in Otago and Taranaki waters.
As you probably know by now, some of our brave XRŌ people are among those in Timaru, occupying one of OMV’s supply ships, preventing it leaving port.
Support our brave activists!
Share, share, share their posts and pictures and videos – we are our own media!
Pics and videos abound: Sara’s video on Facebook and Stuff and RNZ’s Monday afternoon reports. Siana in the rigging.
Fun & Family Rally
Saturday 30 Nov noon – 1pm Cathedral Square
We’ll show OMV that they are not welcome in Ōtautahi Christchurch or anywhere in Aotearoa. Here’s the Facebook event. See also Greenpeace Climate Uprising.
Your nuclear-free moment, Jacinda!
Ring/email/Facebook Jacinda Ardern and tell her to grasp the nettle and tell OMV to GTFO. A previous Labour leader took on the USA and told nuclear-powered ships to stay out of our waters. This is the moment for our current leader to tell the corporates that their planet-destroying business is not welcome here!
Winston – Tell the Truth!
Ring/email/Facebook Winston, demand that he tell his supporters the truth – this oil drilling is WAY riskier than NZ has ever seen before; there is NO effective cleanup plan; it will NOT create jobs or wealth for NZers because the rigs employ overseas professionals, they transfer the oil direct from rig to ship to overseas customers and the profits flow straight into overseas banks. Winston – stop treating your supporters like mushrooms – keeping them in the dark and feeding them bullshit!
Ravensdown Take Em Down! – Water Flotilla Action
around 6-7 December
Join our Peaceful Pirate Flotilla in Lyttelton harbour. Dates are not locked in as they are dependent on when Ravensdown’s ship of stolen phosphate (blood phosphate) arrives.
The phosphate trade both perpetuates NZ’s unsustainable land management while it exploits some of the poorest in the world.
In 1975 Morocco invaded Western Sahara and to this day 173,600 local Saharawi people still live in refugee camps unable to go home.
Ravensdown is one of only 4 companies left in the world that continues to trade with this illegal and brutal occupation. NZ is lagging behind as the United States, Canada, Australia, and the EU have all stopped buying this controversial resource and it is time for NZ to do the same.
Action in Lyttleton – as well as a flotilla, we’ll also have land-based actions around the unloading of the ship. If you have any watercraft that can be used or want to get involved in any way at all check the Facebook event for updates and more information or contact Josie josietheninja@gmail.com
Aotearoa, Te tiriti, our history and activism
Saturday 7 Dec 1-5pm
You are welcomed to a workshop on Saturday 7 December 1pm – 5pm, at Room 6, Phillpstown Hub, 39 Nursery Road – Koha -sliding scale $5- $50
A workshop exploring our history in order to create a foundation for XR action in Aotearoa. One of the most exciting things to come out of XR’s national day of action was the start of greater dialogue between Maori and tauiwi on working together. Find out how standing as allies to indigenous kaitiaki is a key element of our activism.
Cathy is an experienced Treaty educator and her presentation is grounded in her experience as a community and environmental activist.
Sign up here.
Plastic 2 Parliament
Not XR-organised, but a super-easy on-going low-key effective action that you might like to support. It’s aimed at getting our MPs to stop the tsunami of plastic and regulate its producers. Each week a different MP is targeted and there’s been a lot of media attention.
The idea is simple : You FREEPOST one (1) Letter stuffed with plastic to an MP in Parliament every week, ideally on Mondays .
Join the Facebook group Plastic 2 Parliament to get more info and for a draft letter to include in your envelope.
Tranceform – Ecstatic Dance
Friday 29 November , 7pm – 9pm at the Exchange (Wilsons Rd)
Come and release your soul through ecstatic dance …. a freeing and vibrational experience within a facilitated and safe space. DJ The Voidwalker will take you on a sound journey and Clementine will inspire you to express your being through free form movement…..where you will discover a feeling of ecstasy and aliveness.
This is an intentional space, free from alcohol, drugs, shoes, photography, phones and talking…. Feeling curious? why not come along and try it out, a great outlet for our activism and gain the gift of confidence that comes from moving freely in your body. 2 for 1 XR special – one $20 ticket admits 2
How Dare You!
A free JAZZ homage to Greta Thunberg and Extinction Rebellion
Space Academy Wed and Thurs 27-28 Nov 8pm ( doors open at 6pm ) Tickets $20
Update on Rebel Dylan
Dylan is the first XR activist to be charged in New Zealand for his daring attempt to climb onto a balcony to hang a banner at the NZ Gas Forum Conference. Diversion has been denied and Dylan is scheduled to reappear in court on Monday January 27th at 10am.
Kia Kaha Dylan we stand with you, our brave brother and we will be there. Come join us, folks!.
Making Money – and an alternative economy
Seedling & produce koha swap – you are warmly encouraged to bring your excess garden produce, jams, baking etc. to Heartbeat and any other XRŌ gathering, AND/OR to fill your pockets with loose change to drop in the Koha bucket in exchange for these! Yum
XRŌ Timebanking
Following up on Gen’s workshop suggestion months ago, we’re going to ask Addington Timebank if XRŌ can join as an organisation, and we encourage XRŌers to join as individuals.
Regular Notices
Joining Mattermost – We use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and has no paywall. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it dave.evansii@gmail.com
When We Meet Face to Face – The Circles & the Heartbeat
NB This Friday 29 Nov is the 5th Friday! – time for regeneration and sleep! Or maybe a small circle
- The Talk – Friday 6 Dec, 7.30pm at WEA – come hear The Talk & share how you experience the crisis. Great for newbies. On every 1st Friday of the month.
- Heartbeat – Friday 13 Dec, 7.30pm at WEA – XRŌ Heartbeat – updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate, samba band… Heartbeat is held on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month
- 350Chch – Friday 20 Dec, 7.30pm at WEA – 350Chch’s monthly discussion/film night.
The Circles
Outreach & Lobbying circle – meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 5.30 at WEA, 59 Gloucester St, next meeting: Thurs 28 Nov 5.30pm at WEA, all welcome! Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz 021 107 3937 The time may change if it’s hard for people.
Are you interested in learning how to give the talk? Or interested in helping contribute to the research that goes into the talk…contact Racquel racqueljwilson@gmail.com
Action circle – meets Mondays 6.45 – 8.30pm, contact Sara C sarasski@hotmail.com
Creative circle – Banners need to be created and painted, and there is always rock painting too…. for more details check out the Mattermost channel or contact Tim trmusson@gmail.com
Regenerative circle – is providing a monthly space to reflect, explore and process our feelings in regard to the work we do and the climate crisis – this is held at Sarah’s house on 1st Monday of the month. Contact Sarah (sarah.tay.nz@gmail.com) and also if you’d like to be part of this very important circle which takes care of us in many ways from food to conflict resolution and more.
Infrastructure circle – does admin & has the best potlucks, meets mostly 5.30pm at WEA before the Heartbeat on 2nd and 4th Fridays, next meeting. Contact Dave E dave.evansii@gmail.com
In love and rage
Torfrida, Adele and Dave
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07