Kia ora Rebels!
We’ve had a busy couple of weeks. Time for a bit of reflection (and another lively action!)
On 26 October we held a Reflections Hui at St Mary’s Anglican Church. It was a lovely sunny day and we reflected together on what we have learnt and experienced since our movement began. We looked at what we wanted to Keep doing, what we wanted to Start doing and what we wanted to Stop doing. A bunch of good ideas emerged! Dave P and Tim have made a spreadsheet of them – see this link (You need to create a Cryptpad login in order to see it – not that hard)
• If you’d like to add an idea, feel free to do so.
• If one of the ideas is especially important to you, add 1 to its vote-count.
• If you’d like to work on any of the ideas, add your name
Note there are 3 tabs at the bottom, to navigate between Start, Stop, and Keep… (It’s in Cryptpad, a free, secure alternative to googledocs)
We plan to hold a Weekend XRŌ Hui probably late January, where together we can explore the themes more deeply, play with how decentralized decision-making can work, maybe try out a people’s assembly set-up – watch this space! Talk to Adele, Julie T, Tor, Shere Kahn for more.
On Halloween, we disrupted the NZ Gas Forum Conference. We held space, made lots of noise and did a couple of traffic stopping swarms! Our brave activist Dylan was arrested for attempting to climb a balcony to hang a banner, and he became the first XR rebel in NZ to be charged. He had a court appearance on Parihaka Day and about 20 Rebels came to support him…his case has been postponed until November 19th where it will be considered for diversion.
On 7 November dozens of people turned up to a lively Extinction Rebellion Art Social print making night at the XCHC. Some amazing speeches were made and fantastic printed t-shirts created. A great success, with lots of new faces. We’re planning another night soon. Talk to Clem for more info.
Upcoming events
Ravensdown Peace Flotilla – around Nov 21 in Lyttelton Harbour
NZ is the only country in the world that is continuing to fund the brutal and illegal occupation of Western Sahara by Morocco through buying the phosphate mined there.
Other countries have ceased trading but in our commitment to an intensive agriculture model, NZ can’t shake its dangerous addiction to this fertiliser. See this good Stuff backgrounder on the issue:
Ravensdown are bringing in a huge shipment of this stolen phosphate into Lyttelton Port this month. They are stockpiling about 18 months worth of the phosphate due to the escalating local and global pressure demanding that they halt their illegal imports immediately.
XRŌ are planning a peace flotilla to bear witness to the ship coming into port. There will also be a variety of other actions during the time the ship is docked to disrupt their proceedings.
The date of this action is dependent on the ship’s progress – probably around 21 November. Contact Josie or check the Facebook event for updates and to get involved.
Training opportunities!
As our movement grows, the more we can learn together about how to embrace new ways of communicating and organizing, the stronger we can be.
SOS online training – a weekly international training series via zoom looking at Self Organising-Systems. More info on Mattermost here.
Time should be 6am Friday here if our calculations are correct. You’ll need to register, please email with name, Mattermost ID and which XR team you are part of.
Contact Racquel for more info about this and similar trainings
DNA Training – From Global XR trainings: Welcoming all rebels to DNA training sessions!
Every time people come together, we develop communities that are as strong as their shared values. This training deepens the understanding of XR’s demands as well as our principles and values (i.e. our DNA) through discussion, sharing perspectives, and short role play exercises.
More information on Mattermost here.
Nonviolent communication – video evening, Tuesday 12 Nov, 7pm at 280b Worcester St. Staying calm & non-reactive under pressure is crucial for non-violent activists. Come see this good video. Facebook event.
Privilege and Inclusion discussion group – at 7pm before every Heartbeat (2nd & 4th Fridays) at WEA, there’s an opportunity to explore issues of privilege and inclusion. Our aim is to support the intention that XR is a welcoming place for everyone. We explore the idea that where we have privilege in society, we can intentionally use that to effectively listen to diverse and quieter voices. All voices are very welcome in the group, to speak or to listen. All welcome, just turn up. Contact Jacinta for more info
Te Tiriti Workshop – experienced Tiriti educator Cathy Sweet has offered to lead a workshop on Te Tiriti for our rebel crew. This affordable and enlightening session will help us develop and engage with issues that are central to XR in New Zealand. Places will be limited so contact Jacinta (, ph/text 021 046 9982) to book and to be consulted about the timing.
More … we’ve got XRŌ peeps offering sessions on guerrilla grafting, on dealing with deniers … watch this space! And Mattermost is packed with lively conversations at local, national and global level about decolonization, allying with the global south, tackling talkback radio jocks, citizens’ assemblies, art ideas and much more… See Dave E if you’re not yet on MM.
“This is not a drill” – a great XR handbook, available from Scorpio Books, USB etc, $27.
A Space to Reflect
Regen circle is offering a monthly space where we can explore and process our feelings in regard to the work we do and the climate emergency. First Monday evening of the month in Linwood. Text or phone Sarah for the address 022 164 1837. First meeting Monday 2 December 7-8.30pm.
All welcome – do take advantage of this. We all need a space to offload and be heard, to regain our energy to keep going.
Making Money – and an alternative economy
Seedling & produce koha swap – you are warmly encouraged to bring your excess garden produce, jams, baking etc. to Heartbeat and any other XRŌ gathering, AND/OR to fill your pockets with loose change to drop in the Koha bucket in exchange for these! Yum
XRŌ Timebanking – following up on Gen’s workshop suggestion months ago, we’re going to ask Addington Timebank if XRŌ can join as an organisation, and we encourage XRŌers to join as individuals.
Regular Notices
Joining Mattermost – We use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and has no paywall. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it
When We Meet Face to Face – The Circles & the Heartbeat
The Talk – Friday 6 Dec, 7.30pm at WEA – come hear The Talk & share how you experience the crisis. Great for newbies. On every 1st Friday of the month.
350Chch – Friday 15 Nov, 7.30pm at WEA – 350Chch’s monthly discussion/film night.
Heartbeat – Friday 22 Nov, 7.30pm at WEA – XRŌ Heartbeat – updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate, samba band and dancing!… Heartbeat is held on the 2nd & 4th Fridays of the month
The Circles
Outreach & Lobbying circle – meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 5.30 at WEA, 59 Gloucester St, next meeting: Thurs 14 Nov 5.30pm at WEA, all welcome! Contact Torfrida
Are you interested in learning how to give the talk? Or interested in helping contribute to the research that goes into the talk…contact Racquel
Action circle – meets Mondays 6.45 – 8.30pm, contact Sara C
Creative circle – Banners need to be created and painted, and there is always rock painting too….for more details check out the Mattermost channel or contact Tim
Regenerative circle – see above – is providing a monthly space to reflect, explore and process our feelings in regard to the work we do and the climate crisis, this is held at Sarah’s house on 1st Monday of the month. Contact Sarah ( about this and also if you’d like to be part of this very important circle which takes care of XRŌers in all sorts of ways from food to conflict resolution and more.
Infrastructure circle – does admin & has the best potlucks, meets mostly 5.30pm at WEA before the Heartbeat on 2nd and 4th Fridays, next meeting. Contact Dave E
In love and rage
Torfrida, Adele and Dave
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Ōtautahi Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XROtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07