Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand newsletter, October 2019.

Kia ora rebel,

We need your help to make our next week of rebellion even better than the last. Share your feedback on our October action in Wellington before this Friday. Volunteer to help analyse the responses.

Action Reports

Oct 07: XR Aotearoa New Zealand opens the International Week of Rebellion

We led the world last month and shut down Mbie, ANZ and OMV all in one day. Jacinda disagreed with our message, so we wrote her a letter in return. Media coverage from our action and camp is here.

Oct 31: XR Ōtautahi Christchurch Disrupt the Gas Conference

XR Ōtautahi Christchurch continue to set the pace for disruptive action as 50 rebels made their presence felt outside the NZ Gas Conference. This, only a week after they attended the NZ First conference. They dance, they sing, they do actions. They’re awesome.

Oct 31: XR Invercargill Lovebombs the new Council

There to meet the new Southland councillors, local rebels offered gifts of unsafe Mataura river water and dirty local soil to show what needs to be done to return Southland to it’s natural wonder.

Oct 31: XR Tamaki Makaurau Auckland rises from the dead

Two separate actions bouncing off Halloween in Tamaki Makaurau. The Herald (!!) reported the gravestone prank left for unwitting Pt. Chev children (watch video​). Whilst over in Ponsonby, 8 rebel zombies rose from the dead to warn us about the dangers of inaction.


  • The SS4C students will not be organising a strike on November 29th and instead have called on all of us to support Te Ara Whatu. They’re a group of indigenous rangatahi from Aotearoa and the Pacific, who have been coming together to send delegations of Māori and Pasifika youth to the international climate negotiations. Help fund their mahi and get them to Madrid for the COP25 in December.


  • Zero Carbon Bill expected to pass this week. Despite thousands of public submissions, it’s basically stayed the same.
  • Oct: Marine environmental report bleak reading. 22 percent of marine mammals and 90 percent (!!) of seabirds threatened with extinction. Read more.
  • Sep 24: Glaciers melting faster than previously thought. Our pasifika whanau could literally be left without habitable land to live on. Read more.

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  1. Sign up to our newsletter to find out about the latest actions.
  2. Find your local group and like and follow us on Facebook.
  3. We can’t change the world without you. Please donate now: 38-9020-0397608-00

Your friendly local rebels,

Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa New Zealand
