Twenty or so Ōtautahi rebels joined the national climate camp and big day of action in Wellington last week as Aotearoa kicked off the global wave of rebellion round the world. We returned energised, weary, exhilarated, warmed after our days in such a heartfelt space, after so much singing and drumming, so much tenderness, grief and passionate activity, so much rather unexpected acceptance by the public and the cops!
Also a Maori caucus for Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ has now emerged and we are on the path to exploring decolonization. Being arrested and witnessing differences in the police cell experience for white, middle-class older people versus for young, dark skinned, poorer people was a first lesson in Decolonization 101 for many of us.
Some impressions from Wellington and overseas, especially for those not using Mattermost or Facebook:
15 YEAR OLD MICAH ON WHY HE WAS ARRESTED – sympathetic Stuff article about how and why one young person took a very active part in Monday’s action – this is a great article to share with friends wondering what Extinction Rebellion is on about and why the kids are in the streets. If we share this link on our own personal page and get good engagement, Stuff is likely to keep on covering us: https://www.facebook.com/
PHOTOS – These two collections of photos & videos from the day give a feel for what went on.
From Peter in Hawkes Bay on Dropbox
From Colin in Ōtautahi on OneDrive
GAIL BRADBROOK of XRUK – interviewed by TV show ‘Democracy Now’- clear and articulate, including a response to Jacinda’s dismissive comment on NZTV.
ON TALKING TO THE POLICE – Roger Hallam (XRUK) on YouTube talks on ways for XRers to relate to the police – useful for understanding why XR seeks to maximize arrest numbers and the critical importance of nonviolence. We are aiming to maximize the number of ordinary people willing to come out onto the streets to disrupt business as usual so that those in power take notice.
NZ FIRST CONFERENCE – next weekend (18-20 Oct) at Rydges Hotel in Latimer Square. We are keen to question NZF people as to why their party has blocked and delayed so many Coalition climate initiatives – Zero Carbon Bill, oil drilling, mining, fracking permits… We’ll urge them to put NZ first, not the big corporations. Aiming to be peacefully and theatrically disruptive but not arrestable. Come join us – check XR Ōtautahi Chch Facebook page or website page for details.
GASNZ INDUSTRY FORUM – Wed 30 Oct – Fri 1 Nov, also at Rydges, Latimer Square. We’ll be there to point out that natural gas is NOT a transition fuel to a fossil-free energy future, it’s just another fossil fuel (see excellent NZ Herald article by Jeanette Fitzsimons here.) Keep an eye on XRŌtautahi Chch Facebook page or website page for updates on when and where to join us. Forum info here.
The Talk – Friday 1 Nov, 7.30pm at WEA – come hear The Talk & share how you experience the crisis. Great for newbies. Every 1st Friday of the month. This one will be a bit different as a lot of people will be in Wellington. “Whoever is there will be the right people and they will do what they need to do”. (XR principle!)
Heartbeat – Friday 25 Oct, 7.30pm at WEA – updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate and action feedback.
REGENERATION CIRCLE – the value and importance of non-violence and an open-hearted attitude was felt strongly in Wellington. The Regen circle folks are keen to offer workshops and similar to support XRers in this. If you’d like to help with this, contact Sarah Taylor sarah.tay.nz@gmail.com or 022 164 1837.