XR Ōtautahi Week of Action Update!

Young people show the way!

Friday saw 8,000 people from toddlers to grands cramming Cathedral Square as young people demanded fast, real action on the climate and ecosystem crisis. Great pix here (thanks, Kurt Langer & others!)

Children inspire us – but they shouldn’t have to feel they must be responsible for leading us. Now it’s time for adults to step up and take action to turn their demands into reality.


Global Week of Action – Fri 5 to Wed 9 October

On Monday 7 October Wellington will lead off a wave of mass non-violent civil disobedience that will bring business as usual to a standstill in major cities worldwide.

The earth is on fire. We are sounding the alarm. We will keep sounding it until those in power take notice and meet our demands: Tell the Truth, Act like there’s a Crisis (because there is). Listen to the People.

About 20+ of us are off from Ōtautahi Chch this weekend to join the action and to gather with other rebels from around Aotearoa at the Paekākāriki Climate Camp, which runs from Saturday to Wednesday.

If you can join us at the action in Wellington central city, we’d love to see you! There is opportunity for everyone to take part in whatever way you feel comfortable, from families to those willing to be arrested. This is a disruptive but non-violent action and all are welcome.

Gather at Midland Park, 157 Lambton Quay, Wellington CBD

Monday 7 Oct from 7am onwards.

More info here: https://extinctionrebellion.nz/drawtheline/oct5-9/

Want to wear the yellow cape of a Climate Grand and be part of a Grand Stand? contact Tor 0211073937

If you can’t get to Wellington, please support and amplify the action!

  • Share, share, share! All the pix and news that comes out – share them on social media of all sorts, by email, tell your friends… This will be hugely important as most of those doing the direct action won’t have cell-phones on them or be able to communicate much.
  • Show the flag – put your school strike placard on your fence, put an XR logo on your bag, write on your t-shirt and be a human placard downtown or in the mall…
  • Hassle the press, Radio NZ (text 2101), your local MP or council hopeful and ask them what they intend to do to Tell the Truth, Act like there’s a Crisis and Listen to the People.

Tell them what you want changed – eg NO Overseas Investment Office signoff to expanding the Coalgate mine, NO deep sea oil drilling off Otago coast, CHANGE the Resource Management Act so climate change is taken into account in awarding resource consents…

Christchurch events

The earlier advertised Critical Mass Bike Rally has been cancelled as its Biketober in Otautahi, and there’s heaps of other bikish action we’d like to support – check out Extinction Rebellion Ōtautahi Chch Facebook page for updates.

Heartbeat survey

As we want to encourage as many people to be involved in Extinction Rebellion as possible, we’ve put together a super quick survey (will take less than a minute of your time) to determine whether there is a more suitable time and day for the Heartbeat meetings.

Here’s the link again: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/LLD9BS2

The planet needs you – lend a hand!

Looking for a way to contribute?

We need money! Can you help?

Our costs have included materials for banners/art work/screen-printing etc, vehicle hire, Tuskforce action costs, social media boosts, badges, venue hire (but huge thanks to WEA for their invaluable sponsorship all this year!!). We’d like to allocate $1,000 towards travel/camp rego costs of unwaged people going to Welly.

Most of our funds have come from koha buckets at events, plus generous donations, and many costs have been covered by individuals. Koha buckets aren’t so effective now as more people go cashless, so we’d like to ask our supporters for help via the bank account.

If you can make a tiny regular donation or a one-off bigger one, that would be a great help!

Our account is Kiwibank: Extinction Rebellion OtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07


Join Mattermost & jump into the conversations – We use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and free. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it dave.evansii@gmail.com.


The Talk – Friday 4 Oct, 7.30pm at WEA – come hear The Talk & share how you experience the crisis. Great for newbies. Every 1st Friday of the month. This one will be a bit different as a lot of people will be in Wellington. “Whoever is there will be the right people and they will do what they need to do”. (XR principle!)

Heartbeat – Friday 11 Oct, 7.30pm at WEA – updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate…and feedback from Wellington!!


Non Violent Communication (NVC) weekend – 5 & 6 October with Valerie and Jim, phone Valerie on 351 7432

THE CIRCLES (may be whirring a little slower for the next week til folk get back from Welly)

Outreach & Lobbying circle – meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 5.30 at WEA, 59 Gloucester St, next meeting: Thurs 10 Oct 5.30pm at WEA, all welcome! Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz.

Action circle – meets Mondays 6.45 – 8.30pm, contact Sara C sarasski@hotmail.com.

Creative circle – check Creative channel in Mattermost for what’s happening. We have some screen-printing gear, does anyone have experience?

Coordination circle – meeting at 6.45pm before Heartbeat to discuss what’s going to happen and who is going to facilitate the activities.

Regenerative circle – tba for updates on this circle which takes care of all of us! Meeting fortnightly on Sundays.

Infrastructure circle – does admin & has the best potlucks, meets mostly on Fridays at 5.30pm at WEA, next meeting Friday 11 Oct. Contact Dave E dave.evansii@gmail.com

Finance – Likely to merge with Infrastructure and to meet at 6.45pm before Heartbeat to discuss expenditure and put proposals on Mattermost.

The Talk – Jacqui is available most Fridays to give the talk as and where required. Rebecca, Bruce and Adele are preparing to share the load. Caroline and Rebecca are adapting the talk for schools. Join this circle if you’re interested in giving the talk to groups.

In love and rage

Torfrida, Dave and Roger

Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XR OtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07