Your planet needs you on Monday 7 October

It’s our day to draw the line and stand up for the planet we love.

We’re in the midst of the climate and ecosystem breakdown, and the 6th mass extinction event is fully underway. It’s what the science tells us, it’s what’s happening right now  – and yet our Government is clearly not taking enough action. It still hasn’t even declared the Climate & Ecological Emergency! It’s time to draw the line.

On 7 October, in Wellington, Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ  will kick off the global rebellion (XR’s week of action) with serious, non-violent direct action against Government inaction.  If you want to be right here with us, read more and register!  We’ll be gathering beforehand to plan and train, and we’ll be in touch to tell you more.

If turning up for the party on the day is more your style, book a day off work, set your alarm and keep watching the website, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or this newsletter.

You can also save the planet with your spare bed and pots. 

  • Host a rebel: Host a friendly rebel for one night in Wellington on 6 October – email your contact info, address, how many people you can take, beds/floor, access etc and we’ll be in touch. Email, subject line Host a rebel.
  • Donate: maybe you can’t be there in person, but you can help others do it with funds for transport, accommodation, food, postering, and the gear we’ll need on the day. Please help us fund the rebellion now.
  • Lend a hand before the day: We’re getting ready to host a lot of people from around NZ. Can you lend us some big pots, your slow cooker, a foam mattress or 50, some time for transporting things, take part in postering or artwork, donate baking or help out in any way that’s needed? Email subject line Lend a Hand.
  • Be a legal observer on 7 October: This is a key sideline role which means observing closely and recording events to make sure police are acting lawfully. The Community Law Centre is organising legal observer training in Wellington. Interested? Email Community Law Centre at and cc Tim Jones at

A Climate Assembly for the Wellington Region – 5.30pm, Fri 20 Sept

Join us with the NZ Green Party at Aro Valley Community Centre for a panel discussion on the proposal to convene a climate assembly for the Wellington Region. Hosted by Iona Pannett, Wellington City Councillor. Panel speakers are:
– Tamatha Paul
– Dr. Sea Rotmann
– Max Rashbrooke
– Thomas Nash
Facebook event.

Extinction Rebellion newcomers meet-up – 9.30am, Sat 21 Sept

The climate movement needs everyone. This is your way in. Come along and find out more about what’s happening and all the different ways you can be part of it. And afterwards, if you’re keen, join the coal action (see below). Stillwaters Community House, 327 Willis St. Facebook event.

Coaly Moley! There’s a canary in this city – XR action, 11am, Sat 21 Sept

Our Government has released their draft plans for the future of mining in NZ – and there are zero plans to phase out coal. So we’re paying a visit to Wellington’s mining corporates and Government coal advocates with our giant canary. All Welcome. Meet 11am, Frank Kitts Park. Facebook event.

Training day: non-violent direct action – 9am to 2.30pm, Sun 22 Sept

Non-violent direct action (NVDA) is the most effective way to create change; through confrontation, empowering people and building communities. This training will prepare you for the big one – the 7 October XR action in Wellington. Stillwaters Community House, 327 Willis St. Facebook event

Bike, board and scooter action against Govt inaction – 2pm to 3pm, Sun 22 Sept

Pimp your bike with flags, roll on a skateboard or rent a scooter (first 20 minutes free) – meet at Pukeahu National War Memorial Park and reclaim the streets to take action against Government inaction on our environment. Everyone welcome to this critical mass bike ride. Facebook event.

Climate crisis panel discussion – 6.30pm, Tues 24 Sept

Join speakers from School Strike 4 Climate NZ , Extinction Rebellion and the International Socialist Organisation, NZ for a discussion on the climate crisis and the fight for our future. Student Union Building SU218, Kelburn Campus, Vic Uni. Facebook event

Hold our local election candidates to account on transport – 6.30pm, Wed 25 Sept

Transport accounts for 60% of Wellington’s emissions but many election candidates want more roads and a bigger airport. Time to remind them their policies will make climate breakdown worse. Upstairs ASB Sports Centre, Rongotai to talk to candidates for southern and eastern suburbs. Facebook event.

Public Talk in Paekākāriki – 7pm, Wed 25 Sep

Heading for Extinction (and what to do about it): A public talk on the climate and ecological breakdown by coral reef ecologist and Extinction Rebellion spokesperson Dr. Sea Rotmann. Facebook event.

Global CLimate Strike 27 September

School Strike for Climate – 11am, Fri 27 Sept 

School Strike 4 Climate NZ are holding a third strike with students around the world to demand our Government and elected members take urgent and meaningful action for the climate and our collective future. Support our young people so they can have a future too.

Film night – The Way Out – 6.30pm, Sun 29 Sept

The first of our regular film nights on climate and ecological crisis action,  The Way Out is an important film about climate, activism and mindfulness. Cuppa and mingle after. Koha entry with all proceeds going towards Extinction Rebellion actions. Facebook event

Watch the video to learn more about Extinction Rebellion Aotearoa NZ and climate/ecological breakdown 


Contact us

Come to an event, visit and sign up, email, join our Extinction Rebellion Te Whanganui-a-Tara Wellington Facebook group, or check out our Extinction Rebellion Te Whanganui-a-Tara / Wellington news and events page.

Want to get more involved with XR planning or behind-the-scenes stuff?

If you’ve come to a talk, newcomers meeting or action and you’re keen to get more involved with organizing, admin, art, comms, social media and other things, come to our planning meetings every second Saturday. Next meeting 11am, Saturday 28 September Stillwaters House, 327 Willis St.

For more events run by a whole range of great organisations visit Environmental Events in Wellington on Facebook