XR Ōtautahi Update – lots on this month!
Join the Tusker flash-mob – Saturday 21 Sept, 10am – 2pm
Mr Tusker, the Elephant In The Room, is standing for ECan and will be giving interviews in malls and elsewhere on Saturday 21 September. He welcomes supporters – look out for the big Red Bus 9.30am at South City mall Durham St end, or be at one of the malls – find out where he’ll be on the day from Tusker Escapades channel on Mattermost, or his Facebook page. Family-friendly, non-arrestable, bring the kids and a camera.
Flood the City – Thurs 26 Sep, 7pm until late, meet at Cathedral Square
Join this NZ-wide event where, overnight, all kinds of environmental activists ‘flood’ the city in climate justice and SS4C posters, chalking and banners so the following morning, people wake up and can’t miss the strike or the fact that the climate crisis is happening now! Meet at Cathedral Square at 7pm, then split up.
Email the SS4C crew chchstrike4climate@gmail.com if you can join in. Let’s do this!
School Strike 4 Climate Rally & March – Friday 27 Sept, 1pm, Cathedral Square
Be there to support young people. More info at the Christchurch SS4C Facebook page.
Wellington Week of Action – Fri 5 to Wed 9 October – book now!
Monday 7 October – huge day of national XR action. Come if you can! Climate camp runs 5 – 9 October in Paekākāriki. Those planning to risk arrest need to come to the weekend briefing/training sessions at the camp in Paekākāriki – register for the camp here even if you will be sleeping elsewhere. More details here.
Let us know if you want/can car-pool to & from Picton.
Christchurch Critical Mass Bike Rally – Sunday 6 October
If you can’t make it to Wellington a Critical Mass bike rally is planned for Christchurch on Sunday 6 October, probably at 2pm from Hagley Park. Keep an eye on future newsletters and Facebook for more info. Especially suitable for those not accustomed to cycling, but keen to get into it.
Liberation Theatre Games, Sunday 29 Sep,3.30 – 5.30pm, XCHC
Shere Khan and Siana are teaming up and embarking on a quest — to start a Liberation Theatre Company! Join us for a series of playful games that unlock creativity, mischief-making and self-expression. As we explore new patterns of movement and communication, our social roles as both oppressors and the oppressed become more visible. Prepare to be heartened, challenged, and to explore new ways to be you. Come to XCHC, 376 Wilsons Rd at 3.30 on Sunday 29 Sept. Here’s the Facebook event.
‘Our Climate, Our Water, Our Common Good’, Friday 20 Sep, 6 – 8pm Tūranga
Hear Sam Mahon (water & climate), Peter Wells (food resilience & climate), Glen Herud (agriculture & climate), Lucy Gray (people power & climate), Axel Wilke (transport & climate), and MC Lan Pham! Facebook event. More info: hello@thecommongood.kiwi If you want to help Axel and Lan with their campaign the weekend of Sept. 21–22 is the biggie and they are really keen to get out and talk to as many people as possible by door-knocking! Contact Axel if you can help.
Heartbeat Survey
As we want to encourage as many people to be involved in Extinction Rebellion as possible, we’ve put together a super quick survey (will take less than a minute of your time) to determine whether there is a more suitable time and day for the Heartbeat meetings.
Here’s the link again: https://www.surveymonkey.com/
The Planet Needs You – Lend a Hand!
Looking for a way to contribute?
- Wanna be or find an XR buddy? Contact Shere Khan sherekhansilver@protonmail.com or Torfrida 021 107 3937 torfrida@snap.net.nz
- Find your rhythm – Samba Band (Grace gracestainthorpe@gmail.com); Tusk Force (Torfrida 021 107 3937, torfrida@snap.net.nz), singing, painting/screen-printing some tee-shirts – we’re building more fun and creativity into Friday Heartbeats.
- Going to Wellington early? We can hook you up with the Welly crew who need practical help
- Be a camera-person or carry a sound boom in the Tusker media-swarm. Come to WEA this Wed at 7pm and/or join us at South City Mall carpark Sat 21 Sept at 9.30am
- Got accounting/admin skills? – see Torfrida or Dave
- Spread the XR message – host an XR speaker in your home, church, workplace etc. We’re getting lots of requests – Jacqui is coordinating these
- Shere Khan’s offering a careers advisory service, or is it just a list of tasks big and small – check it out and contact her if you see something you’d like to follow up https://drive.google.com/file/
d/18OGZzEGuS2_ pDJrG4K01oHlVoLa43BqX/view? usp=sharing
We Need Money! Can You Help?
Our costs have included materials for banners/art work/screen-printing etc, vehicle hire, Tuskforce action costs, social media boosts, badges, venue hire (but huge thanks to WEA for their invaluable sponsorship all this year!!). We’d like to allocate $1,000 towards travel/camp rego. costs of unwaged people going to Welly.
Most of our funds have come from koha buckets at events, plus generous donations, and many costs have been covered by individuals. Koha buckets aren’t so effective now as more people go cashless, so we’d like to ask our supporters for help via the bank account.
If you can make a tiny regular donation or a one-off bigger one, that would be a great help!
Our account is Kiwibank: Extinction Rebellion OtautahiChristchurch , ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07
Regular Notices
Join Mattermost & jump into the conversations – We use XRŌ’s Facebook page and group to share events, ideas, articles etc with the public. We use Mattermost closed chat room for organising & action planning. MM is open-source, secure and free. It’s easy to get into – contact Dave E, he’ll talk you through it dave.evansii@gmail.com.
Inclusion & Privilege – Starting the Conversation Seeking a core group for this job, meet at 7pm before heartbeats, contact Jacinta for more information.
The Friday Big Meetings
350chch – Friday 20 Sept 7.30pm at WEA – 350Chch’s monthly discussion/film night. Meet Ecan and CCC candidates Lan Pham and Sara Templeton
Heartbeat – Friday 27 Sept, 7.30pm at WEA – updates, mini-workshops, singing, debate…
The Talk – Friday 4 Oct, 7.30pm at WEA – come hear The Talk & share how you experience the crisis. Great for newbies. Every 1st Friday of the month. This one will be a bit different as a lot of people will be in Wellington. “Whoever is there will be the right people and they will do what they need to do”. (XR principle!)
The Circles
Outreach & Lobbying circle – meets 2nd and 4th Thursdays of the month at 5.30 at WEA, 59 Gloucester St, next meeting: Thurs 26 Sept 5.30pm at WEA, all welcome! Contact Torfrida torfrida@snap.net.nz. The responses from the local body election candidate survey are to be posted on the website soon.
Action circle – meets Mondays 6.45 – 8.30pm, contact Sara C sarasski@hotmail.com. After regenerating following the hugely successful coal action some small follow-up actions are being planned.
Creative circle – check Creative channel in Mattermost for what’s happening. We have some screen printing gear, does anyone have experience?
Coordination circle – meeting at 6.45pm before Heartbeat to discuss what’s going to happen and who is going to facilitate the activities.
Regenerative circle – contact Sharyn earthneedsfriends@posteo.net for updates on this circle, which takes care of all of us! Meeting fortnightly on Sundays.
Infrastructure circle – does admin & has the best potlucks, meets mostly on Fridays at 5.30pm at WEA, next meeting Friday 20 Sept. Contact Dave E dave.evansii@gmail.com
Finance – Likely to merge with Infrastructure and to meet at 6.45pm before Heartbeat to discuss expenditure and put proposals on Mattermost. Decisions to be ratified at the Heartbeat.
The Talk – Jacqui is available most Fridays to give the talk as and where required. Rebecca, Bruce and Adele are preparing to share the load. Caroline and Rebecca are adapting the talk for schools. Join this circle if you’re interested in giving the talk to groups
In love and rage
Torfrida and Dave
Anyone who’d like to donate to our XR Christchurch group can do so at Kiwibank: XR OtautahiChristchurch, ac. number 38-9002-0331592-07