Kia ora rebels,

Will Auckland council become the 561st council to declare a climate and environmental emergency tomorrow? Join our protest to ensure they do.

560 Councils around the world have declared a climate and environmental emergency. It is the first or our three key demands, and an important first step towards Government telling the truth. Send a letter to councillors before they vote tomorrow (Tuesday).

What’s coming up

More events are listed on facebook.

Tue 11 Jun: Ensure the council votes yes to an emergency

Auckland council will vote on whether to declare a climate and environmental emergency. Join our protest to ensure they vote yes.

9:30 am – 12:30 pm at Reception Lounge, Auckland Town Hall, 301-305 Queen Street, Auckland. More info and RSVP.

Sun 30 Jun: Structure Hui

Help sort out how we work as a group. There is required reading for this hui.

10 am – 4 pm at 155 New North Rd, Eden Terrace, Auckland 1021. More info and RSVP.

Tue 2 Jul: General Meeting

Join our monthly meeting to find out how to get involved in. Open to new and old members.

6:30 pm – 8 pm at Western Springs Community Hall, 956 Great North Rd, Western Springs, Auckland 1022. More info and RSVP.

Get involved

Anyone who agrees with our three demands and ten key principles and values can take action as Extinction Rebellion.

  1. Sign up to our newsletter to find out about the latest actions.
  2. Like and follow us on Facebook and join the Facebook group conversation.
  3. We can’t change the world without you. Please donate now: 38-9020-0397608-00
  4. Join a working group, it’s how we build the rebellion.

From your friendly local rebels,

Simon and Huw,

Extinction Rebellion Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland |