We do not accept this government’s attacks on: Te Ao Māori, Nature, Health, Education, Housing, Poverty, the economy, democracy and more.

We were one big whanau, the 80% of us concerned about the climate



MATARIKI: As we celebrate the shortest day of the year, we take time to reflect. The climate activist movement is more united, is clearer on the causes of the climate crisis and the links to other oppressions. We think of the people who have left us this past year: the 3000 who die each year from air pollution. The people who died in the 2023 summer floods and cyclone. The 1000 whanau in Tāmaki Makaurau alone whose homes are still unliveable and are still waiting for a decision for their homes to be bought out by Council. We think of those affected adversely by the floods in Nelson/Tasmin, Westport. We think of the climatic devastation affecting the people in Tairāwhiti.

And we are reminded why we are choosing to take action as climate activists.

In this newsletter:

  • Stop the Fast Track Bill – continues
  • Be up to date on the climate crisis Sir Peter Gluckman
  • Give Shane Jones The Finger
  • We didn’t vote for this – postering
  • Agit-Prop – Upcoming action
  • Climate Café 1st Sundays
  • End Urban SUVs – get stickering now.
  • North Shore Pickets

Stop the Fast Track Bill – continuing

Honour Te Taiao Honour Te Tiriti

Toi Tu Te Taiao. Tu Toi Te Tiriti.

This link takes you to the Greenpeace & Forest and Bird organisers Bianca and Simon. Go to minute 55 to get Bianca taking so clearly and eloquently about the links to all the oppressions including the oppression of the fossil fuel sector putting their profits above our safety. (People are currently dying from heat waves in India and Sudi Arabia. The US Northeast is under another Heat Dome and so it goes on…)

Together we can change this. We all need to work together.

Climate Change: Simultaneous views from above and below

Our Climate Declaration recently hosted Sir Peter Gluckman:

The challenge is how to address it (the changes necessary to address the climate crisis) in a way that maintains societal cohesion rather than promotes fragmentation and reactions and accusations of alarmism. Neither data nor alarmism alone will change the future. We must address the political reality that all citizens need to accept the tradeoffs and choices that need to be made. How to change the conversation while maintaining a democratic ethos is central to progress in addressing climate change.

This is the link to the presentation.

Give Shane Jones the Finger:

From World Wildlife Fund:

If we don’t act now, we risk a future where even a simple fish finger could become a luxury. Shane Jones, the Minister for Oceans and Fisheries, must urgently commit to protecting 30% of our ocean by 2030. Until he does, we need your help to send him a message he can’t ignore.


We didn’t vote for this

These posters are going up around the country. Please contact us to get some sent to you to get them up in your rohe/area.

In Tāmaki Makaurau we are orgnaising Poster Parties: Jion a group to do the postering. Then meet up for a chat over a few drinks – either at a local or hosted privately. Have enjoyable time with wonderful people. Contact us to meet up with some like minded people and to have a great time.

Agit-Prop Theatre

Who loves Freddy the Frog? Not Shane Jones! We are getting out on the streets reminding people that extraction is put above the ecosystem our lives depend on. Please join us to hand out leaflets, to chat with people to just ot hang out with us!

Get excited for the next Agitprop Action.

Little or no dialogue to learn!

Text Margaret 0224743073

Palestinian Rallies

You are seeing how this campaign is international. It is growing. It is challenging the colonial capitalist system. Not only is war extraordinarily exacerbating the climate crisis, the causes of the climate crisis overlap, are the same.

PSNA has issued a letter of demand to the government. The letter of demand signals our intent with the support of members of the Palestinian community to pursue legal accountability for the lack of actions taken by the government, and key government ministers, in their roles. PSNA is deeply concerned about New Zealand failing to uphold our legal responsibilities under the Genocide Convention which requires the government to take actions that “prevent and punish the crime of genocide”.

We urge you to see Al Jazeera for news regarding the war.

Watch the Hikoi to Parliament.

CBD Monthly Climate Café:

1st Sundays, 10.30 am at the Art Gallery Café CBD.

Informal. Relaxed. Great company. Whatever you want to chat about regarding the climate crisis and what to do about it in Tāmaki Makaurau – Auckland. There is so much happening. You are not alone in your anxiety about the crisis. Catch up with all that is happening. Find out where and how you can join in. A perfect introduction and way to stay in contact with Rebels


Contact Adam: 0273517926, Justine 021819169

END Urban SUVs. www.endurbansuvs.org

We are looking for someone to take over from the wonderful Kirsty to hold and distribute the End Urban SUV stickers. Is this how you can contribute? Please contact us to check it out.

We are to create a team and go together to a chosen suburb. One person identifying the rating of the vehicle and the other doing the sticking. Then drinks and chat. What a fun way to spend a fine winters evening.

Do it on your own: get the stickers onto the street and on the worst emitting SUVs in the cities. A starter pack is only $10. Email [email protected].

North Shore Pickets

Tuesday mornings for about an hour. Join Pat, Justine, and Jean. Increase awareness for climate action. Text Pat 0276340902

What is your contribution:

  • Planning meetings – help make actions happen 1st & 3rd Mondays 6.30pm Zoom meetings
  • Organise the Zoom. Welcome people as they login. Be the minute taker Text Caril 0211883933
  • Join the Art Group: Help make banners/placards with Kirsty, Eleanor, Jean & Laura
  • Join the Agit-prop Theatre troupes: with Peter, Primo Jill & Margaret
  • Guerilla Choir: Cheeky singing at various events. Text Margaret 0224743073
  • Be a Red/Green Rebel: text Margaret 0224743073
  • Help with the Website/Social media/databases. With Clem and Dan
  • Help with press releases. With Caril

Tātou tātou, ngā tāngata katoa, ahakoa nō hea, ahakoa ko wai, arā te iwi, tetaihemahema, te whakapono, te reo, te ahurei, te whenua anō hoki.

All of us together in unison, all creeds, regardless of origin, who they are, that is to say their race, their gender, their language, their culture, belief and faith or nation.

End Fossil Fuels for <2 degrees

https://extinctionrebellion.nz/xr/ https://www.facebook.com/XRTamakiMakaurau/